Nominations to the board and Code of Conduct Council elections taking place at the 18th Council meeting

The following positions in the organisation will be elected at the 18th Council meeting:


  • Chairperson
  • 2 Vice-Chairs
  • Treasurer
  • Up to 5 additional Board Members

Code of Conduct Council

  • Up to 3 Code of Conduct Council Members

Deadline for nominations by Member organisations has passed. It was 23rd of January 10:00 (CET).

Received nominations



Postion Name Nominated by Accepted
Chairperson Alessandro Ciofini Pirati yes
Chairperson Florian Roussel Parti Pirate (PPFR) Piratenpartei (PPDE)
Vice Chairperson Sara Hjalmarsson Piratpartiet (PPSE), Pirati, Piratenpartei (PPDE) yes
Vice Chairperson Alessandro Ciofini Pirati yes
Vice Chairperson Marek Barbuš Pirati
Vice Chairperson Florian Roussel Parti Pirate (PPFR)
Vice Chairperson Lenya Rún Taha Karim Parti Pirate (PPFR)
Treasurer Alessandro Ciofini Pirati, Piratenpartei (PPDE) yes
Treasurer Florian Roussel Pirati
Boardmember Sara Hjalmarsson Piratpartiet (PPSE), Pirati, Piratenpartei (PPDE) yes
Boardmember Giuseppe Calandra Pirati, Piratenpartei (PPDE) yes
Boardmember Florian Roussel Pirati, Parti Pirate (PPFR)
Boardmember Marek Barbuš Pirati
Boardmember Alessandro Ciofini Pirati yes
Boardmember Björn Levi Gunnarsson Parti Pirate (PPFR) yes
Boardmember Babak Tubis Piratenpartei (PPDE)
Boardmember Uta Elisabeth Gabelmann Piratenpartei (PPDE)
Boardmember Jan Mareš Piratenpartei (PPDE)

Code of Conduct Council

Postion Name Nominated by Accepted
CoC Member Andrea D’Agostino Pirati Yes
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The Swedish Pirate Party nominates Sara Hjalmarsson to the position of board member and the position of vice chairperson.


Pirati proposes the following candidates:


  • Alessandro Ciofini


  • Sara Hjalmarsson
  • Alessandro Ciofini


  • Alessandro Ciofini
  • Florian Roussel

Board members

  • Giuseppe Calandra
  • Alessandro Ciofini
  • Florian Roussel
  • Sara Hjalmarsson
  • Marek Barbuš

I thank the Swedish Pirate Party, the German Pirate Party and Pirati for their trust and accept my nominations /Sara Hjalmarsson


I thank Pirati for the nominations and I accept them all.


I too accept the nomination.


The French Pirates nominates :

Board members :
Florian Roussel
Björn Levi Gunnarsson

Vice-chair :
Florian Roussel
Lenya Rún Taha Karim

Chairperson :
Florian Roussel


The following nominations was sent to the board from Piratenpartei (PPDE) by email:

:: 1 Chair

::: Florian Roussel (PP-FR)

:: 2 Vice Chair
::: Sara Hjalmarsson (PP-SE) -

:: 1Treasurer:
::: Alessandro Ciofini (PP-IT)

:: 5 Additional Board Members
::: Babak Tubis (PP-DE)
::: Uta Elisabeth Gabelmann (PP-DE)
::: Sara Hjalmarsson (PP-SE) -
::: Giuseppe Calandra (PP-IT)
::: Jan Mareš (PP-CZ)

:: Council-Member (PP-DE):
:: Gregory Engels
:: Thomas Gaul
:: Alexander Kohler
:: Lukas Küffner

Best regards

Dennis Klüver
vice chairman PP-DE


Additional candidatures from Pirati:


  • Marek Barbuš

Council of the Code of Conduct

  • Andrea D’Agostino

The deadline for nominations have now passed.

People who are nominated are invited to accept or reject their nominations in this thread.


Thank you for the nomination. I accept.

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Further nominations by PP-DE:

Code of Conduct Council:
Marco Confalonieri (Pirati)
Ute Elisabeth Gabelmann (PP-DE)

Lay Auditor
Thomas Gaul (PP-DE)

On behalf of PP-DE

Thomas Gaul
Council Member PP-DE

Thank you for your message.

The deadline for nominations has passed, so your nominations will not be added to the list on top of this thread. However, if there is not enough people elected during the Council meeting, the meeting has the power to open for new candidacies at that point. Since we only got one candidate for the CoCC before the deadline this seems very likely to happen for the other two CoCC positions, so we can keep your nominations to the CoCC for that moment.

Regarding your nomination for Lay auditor, there isn’t scheduled an election of any such position at this meeting as far as I am aware?

From our website - Statutes

Art. 23 – Audit

(1) If, pursuant to the provisions applicable to, auditing of the financial condition, annual accounts and their regularity from the point of view of the law on not-for-profit associations and the status of transactions to be reflected in the annual accounts shall be entrusted to one or more auditors according to Art. 23 (2).

(2) The Council shall determine the number of auditors and their remuneration. The auditors shall be appointed for a renewable term of three years. The Council may revoke their mandates at any time, but have to appoint new auditors at the same time. Any auditor appointed to replace an auditor who has resigned in the course of his term of office completes the latter’s term.

(3) The auditors shall jointly or severally have an unlimited right to scrutinise any transactions of the Association. They may inspect on the premises the books, correspondence, minutes and generally any documents of the association.

(4) The accounts of the Association are to be audited annually or as often as the law necessitates.

(5) Until the conditions of the Art 23 (1) are met, the council shall elect one or more lay auditors. The regulations of Art. 23 (2) and (3) are applied accordingly.

Thank you for the nomination, Thomas, but I cannot accept it as I already hold the position of lay auditor.

Thank you once again and sorry for my late reply, I accept my nomination for the Code of Contact Council.



I would like to thank you all for the nominations, accept the nominations for Chairperson and Board Member while waiving the others.


Hello everyone,

after further consideration, I would like to inform you all that I decline the nominations to:

  • Chairperson
  • Vicechairperson

accepting only the nominations for:

  • Treasurer
  • Board Member

I thank you all and see you at the next Council Meeting!