Hello !
I am a young pirate from France and had the privilege to be appointed Chairperson for the second half of the current term.
My main drive is to be able to steer our society in a progressive and prosperous society. I came to the pirates for their stance on democracy and technology, stayed for the people I met. My understanding is that the path the Pirates could offer the to world and Europe is unique and honest in increasingly polarized and violent times.
As a Chairperson, I would understand my role as to provide direction and keep the organisation on course. As a European structure is not similar to a national party , my main focus points would be :
- Providing clarity on the long term goals
- Charting a course towards them
- Providing value to the members while on the course
The purpose of doing politics is to gain power in order to make our vision of the world happen. In order to do that, we need to help each other gain traction while coordinating on European challenges. All of this achieved through the organisations functioning. This reasoning can be found in the workplan submitted to this Council Meeting through the described tryptic : organisation, community, network.
All of this needs to be refined, but we will get there. We are planning on releasing a needs assessment form on the expected value our members (you and your fellow pirates) would need us to provide to help us prioritize.
I have spent a great deal of time thinking about the why and how since my earlier nomination as Chairperson. I now know how I want to try.