Update of Voting Powers and Number of Delegates following the 2024 European Elections

Following the elections and their results, we have recalculated the voting powers and associated size of delegations.

We applied the statutes, selecting the maximum result given by the calculation method when applied to either the most recent national elections or the European elections, for each member.

Thanks to @Cal for the calculations !


Article 15 – Allocation of Votes and Delegates

(1) Each Ordinary Member has a minimum entitlement of one vote.

(2) The Ordinary Member is entitled to one additional vote for each of the following thresholds reached during the last National or European elections: 150.000 votes; 400.000 votes; 800.000 votes; 1.200.000 votes; 1.600.000 votes; 2.000.000 votes and every additional million votes. The Ordinary Member is entitled to a supplementary vote for each of the following thresholds reached during the last National or European elections: 4%, 8%, 12%, 16% and 20%.

(3) Each Ordinary Member has a minimum entitlement of two delegates.

(4) Ordinary Members are entitled to 2 additional delegates if their total number of votes is 4 or more, or to 4 additional delegates if their total number of votes is 8 or more.


The wiki has been updated accordingly.

Notable changes :

  • PPCZ from 5 votes to 3 and from 4 delegates to 2.
  • PPLU from 2 votes to 3 (was calculated on the basis of the 2019 European elections, but the 2023 National elections are more favorable).