2024 European Election Pirate Results

Party Votes %Votes MEPs
PPCZ 184,091 6,20% 1
PPDE 186,773 0,47% 0
PPFR 28,191 0,11% 0
PPSE 15,403 0,37% 0
PPLU 4,92% 0
PPSK % 0
PPNL 23,800 0,38% 0
PPCAT 14,442 0,08% 0
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We have dropped overall in Spain from 16,755 votes to 14,442, rising minimally in percentage from 0.07% to 0.08%. This is due to the fact that the previous European elections coincided with municipal elections throughout the state and regional elections in 3/4 of the state. In Catalonia, which is our territory of action, we went from 4,882 votes to 6,217 votes and from 0.14% to 0.26%. This figure is very important, as Catalonia is where participation fell the most, from 56% to 43%, 17 points less. We are the only small party that achieves such an increase, when the majority go down, like PACMA, or go up very little, like Volt, because there are 4 other candidates, one of them that of the populist Alvise, who has took away a lot of anger.


for the PPFR : with a 55k€ budget, mostly invested in the ballot papers, we did 28k votes, representing 0.11%, first time with a real campain (not just online), lot of fun but a lot of energy spent, for basically the same results