VOTE Agenda of the 14th Council meeting

This is a vote taking place on the 14th Council meeting of the European Pirate Party
Point on the agenda: 1d

Please vote by posting a message below containing your vote (yes/no/abstain) and indicating which Member you represent, and how many votes you carry.

Proposal: proposed by the Board
The Council approves the proposed agenda, as seen here:

PPLU votes YES (2 votes)

MEPs (2 votes) yes
PPCZ (6 votes) yes

PPGR - Yes (1 vote)

yes PPNL 1 vote

Pirati - Yes - 1 vote

PPDE votes Yes (2 Votes)

PPSE votes yes - 1 vote

Vote Closed

17 Votes in favour
0 abstentions
0 against