Delegates for the 16th Council meeting

This thread will list all delegates for the 16th Council meeting of the European Pirate Party.

This first post will be updated with the current list of delegates. Registration of new delegates, change of delegates, or handing over of votes, can be done by posting a message in this thread, clearly stating who should act as a delegate for which party, and with what voting rights, by anyone authorized by their member party to do so. Don’t forget to include full name of the delegate, along with their Profile name here on Discourse.

Registered delegates

Party Delegate Comments
MEP delegation Mattias Bjärnemalm (2) 2 votes
Pirati Eleonora Serrati , Marco Confalonieri (1) 1 vote
PP-CAT Josep Guirao (1) 1 vote
PP-CH Pipo (1), @Jorgo Membership Applicant (1 vote)
PP-CZ Michal Gill (3), Raman Ojha 3 votes
PP-DE Gregory Engels (2), Thomas Gaul 2 votes
PP-FI Marco Confalonieri 1 vote
PP-FR François Tabuteau (1) 1 vote
PP-IS Gísli Rafn, Króla (3) 3 votes
PP-LU Mathis Godefroid (3) 3 votes
PP-SE Jacob Sinclair (1), Kevin Stenberg 1 Vote
PP-SI Aljaž Božičko (1) 1 vote
YPE Jacob Sinclair 2 votes
PPI Bailey Lamon, Keith Goldstein Observer

It is possible to state an order of voting rights among multiple delegates (i.e. person X has the right to vote on behalf of the party with A number of votes. If person X is absent from a vote then person Y has that right, if person Y is absent then person Z has that vote, and so on). Please bear in mind the number of delegates allowed to each party when creating such a list. And clearly indicate the number of votes for each delegate involved.

You mean 16th Council :slight_smile:


As there is an agenda item
a) Membership applications
a1) Swiss Pirates (PP-CH)
we delegate Pipo & @Jorgo from the board of the Pirate Party Switzerland (most probably without voting right)


For PPCZ I would like to list the following delegates:

Michal Gill, PPCZ intl. coordinator

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The new members section is very much the first substantial item on the agenda, so, if accepted on the spot, you’ll gain your voting rights immediately (I assume one vote).

Given that PP-CH anticipated the payment of their membership fees, they would indeed receive their voting rights immediately (one vote, as we can’t find any national elections result, suggesting they didn’t run). If anyone got info on national election scores for PP-CH, would be most welcome to clear the little doubts remaining !


Pirati nominates the following delegates:

  • Eleonora Serrati (@Zafferanory), Treasurer
  • Marco Confalonieri (@f00l), Legal representative
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Aljaž Božičko (@aljaz.bozicko) PPSI

i will be PPFR delegate : François Tabuteau

I will represent PP- Lux- Mathis Godefroid

I have been asked to represent the Pirate delegation as their delegate at the Council meeting tomorrow.

From Iceland

Gísli Rafn

For this Council Meeting Josep Guirao (@guirao) will be PP-CAT’s delegate.

Young Pirates of Europe is delegating its votes towards PP-SE

It is not possible to have a party as a delegate. If YPE wants to be represented at the meeting they need to assign one (ore more) individual(s) as their delegate(s). If you assign more than one delegate you should also inform the meeting how ypur votes will be distributed among those delegates.

I received the following information about the Slovenian delegate:

"Dear Mab,

I have been notified that PPEU email is not working, thus while our board is not using discourse I would like to submit our information for tomorrows council through your e-mail.

PP Slovenia will be represented by Aljaž Božičko.

We also endorse the candidacy of Florian Russel for the positions of chairperson and vice chair.

Best regards,

Jasmin Feratović
General secretary of Pirate Party Slovenia"

In that case the votes are delegated to Jacob Sinclair.

Pirate Party of Finland delegates it’s vote (1) to Marco Confalonieri of the Pirati delegation.

From PPSE:

Jakob Sinclair (1 vote)

PPCZ present (Mike Gill)