Candidate list - PPSE

List name: Piratpartiet
Source: Kandidater till EU-valet 2024 – Piratpartiet
Type of list: ranked list, preferential votes (4% threshold)
Campaign Manager(s): Sara Hjalmarsson

Place Name Info Platform Social Media Accounts
1 Katarina Stensson Y Homepage, Mastodon, Instagram, Twitter Facebook
2 Mattias Bjärnemalm Y Twitter, Facebook
3 Mattias Rubenson N
4 Jakob Sinclair N
5 Henrik Hernando Passmark N
6 Christoffer Eldengrip N
7 Sara Hjalmarsson Y
8 Mikael Enmalm N
9 Gabriel Karlsson N
10 Philip Johansson N Mastodon
11 Otto Larsson N
12 Helena Lingmar N
13 Alicia Dedorson N
14 Magnus Andersson N Facebook
15 Christoffer Cederholm N Facebook

I now have a Mastodon account, which I hope to make use of for the election campaign. Please feel free to add it to the list:

Also, would there be any use for me to have access to the EFA/Greens info platform? If so I wouldn’t mind having that.

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