Candidacy : Florian Roussel

Name: Florian Roussel
Nominated for: Chair & Vice-Chair


Dear European Pirates,

I am thanking you with all my heart for your nominations. I was hopeful when joining the French Pirates a few years back, and excited when I got to participate in its administration. Yet, discovering the European and Young Pirates pushed me further into the movement and its ideal.

That is why I have been serving in the European Pirate Party for two consecutive terms. The European Elections are a blow to the movement and the European Pirate’s house. When we all navigate the uncertainty, we need to stabilize the structure, stand ready to support the European pirate delegation in the European Parliament, and carve out a direction for the years ahead.

Firstly the structure : we need to carve out space for volunteers and projects to flourish, under the supervision and guidance of the board seconded by members of the community taking on more responsibilities.

Secondly we will stand ready to help the pirate delegation with any issues they might face while adjusting to the new standings, to the best of our collective abilities, crowdsourcing the solutions.

Then the organization needs an horizon and setting its targets towards the next European elections while supporting the national parties in their campaigns as much as possible. Thus a work-plan will be drafted, setting up the path and milestones to build the organization to the task of pushing the program and campaign for the next European elections. This work-plan will develop and build the community and the network needed to achieve these results while maximizing the help we can give to every national party in their actions.

To this extent, I heartily salute Mikuláš, Alessandro, Jan, Cal, Petra and particularly Beau, with their energy and hope for the future, when we drafted a vision for the future and got started on the timelines and actions last weekend. We will need to refine it and gather feedback from the Council Members to pave the way further on solid grounds.

In this vision, which I will do everything I can to achieve, we will be known as one of the most intriguing political creature in existence, with our openness and approach to policy while our unique governance structure gives a voice and opportunities to every pirate.

When the old leadership takes a step back, others need to carry on. The heavy lifting is about to begin and I’d be honored to serve and do my part, in whichever position the Council sees fit.


26 y.o French Pirate

Likes sweets, pirate frens and central banking