18th Council Meeting - Code of Conduct Council - Vote


Postion Name Nominated by Accepted
CoCC Member Andrea D’Agostino Pirati Yes

Click on the links to access candidate speeches.


We proceed with approval voting. The three candidates with the most votes will be elected, provided that they get at least 50% of the votes. Abstentions are not taken into account. Delegates please cast your votes in a message below.

Message example :
Felix with 3 votes for Party X and 1 vote for party Y
- Candidate 1 : up to 3 votes for Party X + up to 1 vote for party Y
- Candidate 2 : up to 3 votes for Party X + up to 1 vote for party Y
- Candidate 3 : up to 3 votes for Party X + up to 1 vote for party Y
- Candidate 4 : up to 3 votes for Party X + up to 1 vote for party Y
- Candidate 5 : up to 3 votes for Party X + up to 1 vote for party Y
- Candidate 6 : up to 3 votes for Party X + up to 1 vote for party Y
- Candidate 7 : up to 3 votes for Party X + up to 1 vote for party Y
- Candidate 8 : up to 3 votes for Party X + up to 1 vote for party Y

PPGR - 1 vote - yes

PPNL 1 vote yes

PPDE 2 yes

Pirati, 1, yes

PPCZ: 3 votes in favor

PPCH 1 vote YES

PPFR - 1 vote - Yes for Andrea

YPE 2 votes for yes

PPSE - 1 vote - yes

PPFI - 1 vote - yes

14 in favor

Andrea is elected as CoCC Member