VOTE Final vote on Proposal for the chapter Drug and Addiction Policy

Drug and Addiction Policy PPLU1 - Adopted

The “War on Drugs” has failed. Prohibition ties up resources and causes immense costs. The unnecessary prosecution and conviction of users of psychoactive substances not only harms society through ever-increasing costs for the police and judiciary but also pushes marginalised people into illegality and to the margins of society, instead of regulating substance use outside a black market. This promotes the black market and organised crime. Many EU member states are planning a reassessment, legalisation, or decriminalisation of cannabis, which can only be a first step towards a “New Drug and Addiction Policy”. Drug policy should first and foremost be health policy, taking into account the social and economic factors that promote drug use and addiction. A life without drugs in complete abstinence is inconceivable for most people, and freedom of the individual means being able to decide whether and which substances to consume. The state should only intervene in a regulatory way, depending on scientific findings about the danger of the substance/addiction.

Proposal for an amendment:

Delete the sentence :
A life without drugs in complete abstinence is inconceivable for most people, and freedom of the individual means being able to decide whether and which substances to consume.

And replace it with :
“A world without drugs in complete abstinence is unattainable, but access to relevant information regarding the use of drugs is key when both freedom and safety of the individual are a priority.”

Pirati votes yes - 1 vote

PPFR, 1 vote, abstain

PPCZ: in favor (6 votes).

PPSI, 1 vote, votes yes

MEP delegate (anja) votes no, 1 vote

MEP delegate (1 vote): votes no

PPLU 2 votes in favour

PPDE votes yes (2 votes)

PPSE and PP FI in favour

PPNL abstains from voting (1 vote)

Exile for votes yes

YPE (2 votes) yes

The votes on the additional Proposal for the chapter Drug and Addiction Policy have been cast as follows:

Yes: 18
No: 2
Abstain: 2

Proposal was approved by the council.