VOTE CPS Proposal for A7

Proposal to change A7 in the draft proposal
Submitted by: The Pirate Delegation in the EP
Proposal: to replace the text in A7 in the Board proposal with the following text:
The Pirate delegation shall firmly oppose xenophobic, nationalist, and racist ideas.

PPLU votes in favour (2 votes)

Pirati votes yes (1 vote)

MEP delegate (Anja Hirschel) votes YES, 1 vote

MEP delegate (1vote): vote yes

PPFI votes yea (1 vote)

PPCZ votes yes (6 votes)

/// And this is to make this post different from A6 so Discourse lets me cast it :slight_smile: ///

1 Like

PPFR abstain on A7 (1 vote)

YPE abstains, 2 votes

The votes on
Proposal to change A7 in the draft proposal
Submitted by: The Pirate Delegation in the EP
Proposal: to replace the text in A7 in the Board proposal with the following text:
The Pirate delegation shall firmly oppose xenophobic, nationalist, and racist ideas.

have been cast as follows:

Yes: 14
No: /
Abstain: 2

PPSI, 1 vote, votes yes … probably? I am starting to get confused, so many similar looking proposals.

PPSE (1 vote) vote YES