Round of introductions of participants

Hi, my name is Caroline Zorn (also known as Nixe).

I am a member and spokesperson of the French Pirate Party. I am also currently elected in Strasbourg, as vice-president of the eurometropole, and an IP/IT lawyer working on personal data issues, the freedom of the press.

Furthermore, I would be happy to work on health policies, bioethical rights and moreover the right of individuals to freely dispose of their own body.

Looking forward to working with you all !


Hi, my name is Mark Anthony van Treuren from the Netherlands and currently chair of PPNL.
I have been a member for a few years and have seen the movement grow from the beginning.
I am interested in the discussions about international diplomacy, defence and wealth distribution (UBI).


I’m a bit late to the party, but here goes:
My name is Manuela Langer, I’m with the Pirate Party of Germany (Piratenpartei) and a member of the AG Landwirtschaft. I’m pretty well networked with farmers on social media and have learned a lot about farming over the last 8 or so years, as well as the struggles farmers face, many of which are due to misrepresentation of facts. I want to bring facts and actual science back into the discussion.


Hello everyone, I’m Baptiste Teissier also known as Baptman.

I have been a member of PPFR since 2018, and I primarily work with a pirate team on health-related issues. I work as a nurse, and I am active in a few associations to improve access to healthcare in my region. I would be happy to work on healthcare policy issues.

Looking forward to working with all of you.

Dear coordinators, I am Mia and my task is, to look after the scheduling and finalizing of all the presented chapters. I would like to ask you, to finalize your resp. chapters and present them at the Board Meeting on May 22, 18.30 CEST, which will take place on: I would be prepared, to be contacted by you for any wished discussion on planning, progress etc. You can reach me here or on the Mattermost channel. Thank you and best-best, Mia


We have already worked on, take a Look: Our current program text (Social Affairs & Healthcare) - #23 by saleurs and here CryptPad B est Greetings Sandra Leurs Germany

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Dear all,
would like to introduce myself now too. Couldn’t enter for quite some time, because of the wrong mix of email-addresses and passwords. Solved that now.
I am Mia Utz from PP-DE. had been in the 6th Board, am now again in the 8th. Had been around here for a long time. Was one of those, participating in the founding process of the PPEU. To make it short, I am used to work with texts professionally. Tons of. Used to be a voice-over author and film translator until my eyes got too bad for sitting 10 hours daily upon texts. But my filmography contains 45 k titles. I also had to organize teams over night, when workloads were coming up. And I had to dismiss people, who did not have any idea, what registers in language are. Lots of correction reading involved. So, you might accept me as the person, who does the scheduling and finalization, which involves mainly the communication with everybody. And no, if it came up, I would not be your easy at hand translator of the hour. Def. not.
So looking forward to work with you all, quickly and efficiently, to receive a great and very clear CEEP soon! Bestbest, Mia


Hi Mab, this is how I get you here. I am just looking after the coordinators of the chapters, just like Veronika … and I am not finding obviously a certain Andrel Linnenbank, who is supposed to be the coordinator of the Social Affairs and Health Care Chapter. Even though, I contacted other persons regarding this chapter, I can’t really find out, who is wearing the hat. Could you help with this one? Thank you, Mab and best best, Mia

My name is Andrel Linnenbank.

I have an MSc in Physics and worked as a researcher in cardiology in the university hospital in Amsterdam for 25 years. In 1996 I got my PhD there. The field I was working in was Biomedical Engineering and I was member of the boards in the dutch, the european and world professional organizations in the field of BME. At the moment I am a teacher of physics, life science and computer science in a highschool in Amsterdam.

Main reason to join the Pirate Party was knowing too much about the electronic patient records.
I am active in the party and was #3 on the EU list at the last elections.


Hi all!

My name is Omar and I’m a member of Pirates de Catalunya since 2012 and currently, I hold the position of Secretary of the Party.

With a training as a technician and audiovisual producer, I have dedicated myself to music using open source software, and this has led me to be a fervent advocate of free culture.

Throughout my career, I have come to understand that hacktivism is an essential tool for the fight for human rights on the networks and for real social change. I firmly believe in the importance of protecting digital freedoms and guaranteeing online privacy and security for all citizens.

The Pirate movement represents the fundamental values that define me as a person. The defence of freedom of expression, transparency, citizen participation and direct democracy are principles to which I attach great importance and which I have dedicated myself to promoting in my work and my daily life.

Love and rum,
Omar Macías Molina

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Hello Mark, please get involved about our next meeting for the Asylum and Migration Chapter. We should be meeting with everybody who is focused on this Chapter. Let me hear, when you would have time for that. My weekend is already pretty much taken by now… so, suggest a date - but Marketa has to be invited too, she has written the original text - it is within her Chapter of International Relations. But of course it is also an important issue for internal politics. :slight_smile: best best and soon, Mia

Hi Mia,
Thank you.
Tomorrow would work for me anywhere between 16:00 and 22:00.
Monday after 18:00 until 21:00