We would like to inquire about following up on our PPEU-PPI working group. The board of PPI requested this in our last meeting. When would be a good time.
We also update on our upcoming meetings. You can follow up on our websites and calendar.
SCENE/SCUBA Combined Meeting with Orientation Session
SCENE discusses social media. SCUBA discusses UN. The Orientation is for
new members, where we will show them what to log in to and how. All
Pirates interested in communications, social media, and the UN are
Sara “Beau” Hjalmarsson here (I presented on radicalisation at the conference last year). I’m vice chair of the PPEU board and I will be attending the Pirate Security Conference in Munich on February 15-16. I’m happy to meet with the PPI delegates in Munich.
If you have any background information that you think would be beneficial for me to read ahead of the conference, please let me know.
Regarding a joint PPEU-PPI working group, let’s discuss it in Munich. We can draw up a few points for collaboration: social media content creation, UN conference attendance, a podcast, and so on.