Our current program text (Social Affairs & Healthcare)

I am missing a point there **Training in Germany versus study It ist vor care in the EU ** This point is important for 3 countries in Europe Austria, Switzerland and Germany. In the rest of Europe nursing is studied :blush:


Thank you, for your Work. :blush:

There was a little text discussed in Strasbourg under the drugs chapter that was suggested to be moved to Health. I found the note about that the other day so, here it is:

Heavy psychoactive drugs used within the established medical system should be prescribed in a careful way, considering the risks of addition and other problems.


Missing some points:

  • All data from patients that are recorded digitally should be included in an Electronic Patient Records system. The patient (or representative of) should control who has access. That implies that data is stored in a way that allows a patient to review her/his own data or can ask a second opinion from an expert. IP can never be a reason to limit access to data.

  • it is important that members of families with (suspected) inherited diseases are free to have a diagnostic test. Using the outcome of such a test in a way that harms the patient e.g. by increasing insurance payments, should therefor be forbidden.

  • fitness, menstruation and other healthcare apps for the general public deal with sensitive patient data. before being allowed in the EU they should pass a test if the app conforms to the EU privacy regulations.

Yes me is missing there also 1 Theme study verus care training the Staatem of the European Union, trains, the rest of Europe studies care. Therefore, Switzerland, Austria and Germany should be obligated, which can also be studied in these countries care. So that worldwide and Europe-wide work is possible. But I think now it is too late to bring in there still. If nevertheless, please refers me with.

I am editing some parts. There is an annotated version on Etherpad.
I covered all motion in the german cryptpad (I think)

Need to read through this whole thread to see if something is still missing

Is your addition:
One of the Pirates priority is to fight discrimination, while putting forward inclusion. We also apply the no one left behind policy. We thus believe that any citizen should be granted social protection together, minimum safety net and high working conditions standards.
covered in the current text (Etherpad), or do we need to change anything?

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Good text for the topic of social affairs and inclusion

Hello european Pirates.

At our meeting of Czech pirates from mental health team bout european program and at our brainstorming we find some things about mental health what ould be reali good.


  1. Prevention at the first place
  2. Greater access to mental health services. The service network should be sufficient everywhere.
  3. Community care as a resource to support mental health.
  4. Destigmatizing the field of psychiatry - making it more attractive and supporting the field.
  5. Support the implementation of mental health care reform, with special focus on vulnerable groups, build up multidisciplinary teams, build capacities for integrating mental health in all policies.

6. street work and outpatient care takes precedence over residential.
7. Psychiatric residential services are expensive and so we are advocating greater involvement of field and prevention teams.
8. Emphasis on the rights of psychiatric patients.
9. Greater inclusion in society for people with mental health difficulties.
10. Support of mental health across the lifespan with a particular focus on youth and seniors in a healthy environment, including support of early intervention and preventive measures.

11. Unaffordable child and adolescent care needs to be addressed immediately. The shortage of experts needs to be addressed. We want to simplify the preparation of experts.
12. We support the efforts of the European Association for Psychotherapy - psychotherapy should be more widely available.
13. Mental health as a priority at schools
14. Increasing the powers of nurses - to strengthen specialisation training in psychiatry.
15. Simplifying the recognition of education and attrition, which is for people from abroad from the 3rd non-EU country.

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