Our current preamble text

Today‘s European Union (EU) as a supranational institution is a project of its member states rather than of its citizens. Pirates believe that Europe should be organised in the common interest of all European citizens, as well as the interests of member states.

Pirates in the European Union have adopted this election programme and strive toge- ther to make our vision for the Union a reality.

The democratic deficit within the European Union has existed since its formation and has not been sufficiently addressed in the course of the integration process.

An important goal of all Pirates is to build a solid democratic foundation for the Union. In order to achieve that goal it is crucial to ensure that political processes are more citizen-friendly. Together we must encourage the development of a common European space for culture, politics and society to protect the existing rich and diverse cultures that exist within the Union.

The EU must live up to its own principles on subsidiarity. Decisions should not be taken at EU level if they can be better resolved at national, regional or local level. Equal and easy access to communication and an informed citizenry
are basic requirements in legitimate democratic decision making. Political decisions at the European level need to be preceded by Europe-wide debate and allow for the adequate participation of all.

Pirates strongly believe that all people must have the right to fair and equal treatment. It is essential that society respects the rights of minorities. We will stand against discrimination of any kind and oppose movements that act against Human Rights.

The Internet as a medium of communication offers tremendous opportunities for political development, overcoming top-down, one-way communication. Pirates will therefore defend the freedom of the Internet with fierce determi- nation at European level as well as on a global scale.

A comment on the existing beginning: I find it a bit confusing summary of the Union’s nature, as a division between states and citizens, together with a statement that it “should” be that. A “state” should be a tool for its citizens, I suppose?

Apart from that it is hard to understand for the average reader, and not very exiting, a more correct description in my view would be that the system is based on the politics and organisation laid out in the democratically (at least formally) ratified treaties, and the Commission with the task to propose implementations of those policies before the European Parliament and the The Council of the European Union to decide upon, for secondary implementation in the member states. (Yes, not easier or more catchy, but truer. “Everyone” seems to forget the role of the Treaties)

However, I bring from a meeting in Sweden the idea to start the preamble in another way, that is with a presentation of us, of the Pirate Movement, who are we, where did we come from. Here are three possible beginnings (from various text in Sweden)

  1. The Pirate Parties represent (constitutes?) a new global movement, formed as a reply to (consequence of) the new world, where the Internet has changed the way we live.

  2. The Pirate Parties emerged as a representation of strong opinions to defend the Internet as a new, free global meeting place.

  3. The early internet opened up a totally new global democratic meeting place for all. It offered a possibility to freely exchange messages around the world and became a tool for a unique exchange of knowledge and creative products. (etc … later presenting the conflict and Pirates as the reaction)

Please comment!

I just did a (slightly adapted) translation of the German preamble. It has a much wider scope but does not cover the founding story of the Pirate party. But I think it would be a good starting point to develop something that we could eventually even use world wide.

Despite promises from all political directions the digital revolution of all aspects of our life has the potential to compromise freedom, privacy, and dignity in unprecedented scale.
This happens with a speed that overwhelms the processes of forming fact based public opinion and policy making. At the same time the options to control and design this process by democratic means continues to slip out of reach for single nations.

The digital globalization of knowledge and culture of all mankind puts all established legal, economic, and social mechanisms in question. Wrong solutions for these challenges threaten to install a global totalitarian surveillance society. Fear of international terrorism leads to give up freedom for perceived security and mutes many voices in defense for freedom.

Informational sovereingty, free access to knowledge and culture, and the protection of privacy are the founding pillars for digital society.

Only this basis allows a global society based on democracy, social equality, and freedom.

The Pirate Party is part of the international movement that aims to design the future for the benefit of all mankind.

The vision of the Pirates is a society that free, fair, and sustainable.

Free means a society in which each individual has the freedom to develop their potential, only limited but also supported by the common wellbeing of the society. Freedom and responsibility are two sides of the same coin.

Fair are society and economy that provide participation and living in dignity.

Sustainable is when material and immaterial resources of nature and society are handled in a way that is not destroying, depleting, or degrading them.

Freedom, fairness, and sustainability are universal standards and we want to make sure they are established world wide. We want to make sure that future generations have the means for living in freedom and dignity.

thanks, I’ll comment more soon. How would you describe the rising of the German Pirates?

The rise of the German Pirates was stimulated by the plans of Ursula von der Leyen to block internet sites presumably to get child abuse under control.

Aha, well I meant from the very beginning. Is this Wikipedia article relevant? According to that the party followed rather tight upon the Swedish pirates in time, also triggered by the internet freedom questions, along with fundamental rights, political transparency and making the best out of digitalisation?

Yes, the German Pirates were founded soon after the Swedish. Though I joined a bit later in 2009, so I don’t know that much about the initial years :slight_smile:
The Wikipedia article looks mostly correct.

I read through your text, like it. I think it is reasonably compatible with the one I am working on, what do you think?. I added the concept of dignity from your text that was missing, an aspect I really like, not usually found in political discourse.

Which one is the text you are working on?

Reading through the present preamble I find a few dominating perspectives there about the EU.

It seems mainly to be about the imperfect democracy , and also the need for protecting of diversity. The need for informed citizens with influence on the decisions in an EU-wide debate is stressed.

Concrete subjects I see are the freedom of the Internet ( for political development, overcoming top-down, one-way communication ) and protection of Human Rights, specially against discrimination.

Is this a relevant an adequate summary you think? Do you feel something else is missing for the preamble level? I will try to weave the above and what you add into the text I am working on.


Aha, maybe it is hiding. Is under “About the preamble work” third topic in bold: “The birth of a movement”. Maybe I should give it a topic of its own?

Comparing the reusal of former preamble to PPSwedens proposal

Who is it for? It seems to me to be somewhat based on discussions among EU insiders and not so much as a text aimed at the general public? Some texts seem to be part of an internal discussion (the first paragraph , and the “all” in “An important goal of all Pirates is…”, why all? Some difficult EU lingo appears: “citizen -friendly processes” which means? “democratic deficit”)

A number of the paragraphs, nr 1, 3, first half of 4, and 5 seem to be about the lacking democracy of the EU. This drives it home but leaves little to other perspectives. In a way there are a lot of extra words here and there. Such as: “Together we must encourage the development of a common European space for “……

I think it is better to start with a presentation of us than with the somewhat intricate presentation/discussion on EU at the start.

The old preamble:

Today’s European Union (EU) as a supranational institution is a project of its member states rather than of its citizens. (Suppose that that means that the Council has more power than the Parliament?, could be said then but not in the beginning, and hasn’t the Commission even more power? Or is it a historical analyses?, correct but unclear. Democratic critique 1) Pirates believe that Europe should be organised in the common interest of all European citizens, as well as the interests of member states. (is this a compromise, doesn’t say much)

Pirates in the European Union have adopted this election programme and strive together to make our vision for the Union a reality. (No real contents here. Should be last or first if included.)

The democratic deficit within the European Union has existed since its formation and has not been sufficiently addressed in the course of the integration process. (democratic critique 2,= history, which was talked against in Strasbourg)

An important goal of all Pirates is to build a solid democratic foundation for the Union. In order to achieve that goal it is crucial to ensure that political processes are more citizen-friendly. (democratic critique 3 , included in PPSE-text, there trying to define citizen-friendly) Together we must encourage the development of a common European space for culture, politics and society to protect the existing rich and diverse cultures that exist within the Union. (Lacking in PPSE – unnecessary long here, could be included there as “Protect the diverse national and regional cultures within the Union”)

The EU must live up to its own principles on subsidiarity. Decisions should not be taken at EU level if they can be better resolved at national, regional or local level. (included in PPSE) Equal and easy access to communication and an informed citizenry are basic requirements in legitimate democratic decision making. (idea included in PPSE) Political decisions at the European level need to be preceded by Europe-wide debate and allow for the adequate participation of all. (included in PPSE)
Pirates strongly believe that all people must have the right to fair and equal treatment. It is essential that society respects the rights of minorities. We will stand against discrimination of any kind and oppose movements that act against Human Rights. (included in PPSE)

The Internet as a medium of communication offers tremendous opportunities for political development, overcoming top-down, one-way communication. (more on the development of internet in PPSE) Pirates will therefore defend the freedom of the Internet with fierce determination at European level as well as on a global scale. (included in PPSE)

Things in PPSE not present here

Internet is bringing on a new culture of creativity knowledge and sharing. (not only political development)

Supporting wise digitalisation, adapt AI to society

against mass surveillance,

against big tech power

from value list, values not present in old preamble: , integrity, dignity, the rule of law, justice, promoting responsible self-empowerment