Education Without Borders

The European Pirate Party recognizes the significance of cross-border education and its positive impact on personal and professional development, cultural exchange, and a more united and connected Europe. We are committed to promoting student exchanges, cooperative and collaborative programs, and the harmonization of different education systems across the European Union. Our vision is to create a Europe that is united in diversity and committed to providing quality education to all of its citizens.

Student Exchange

We firmly believe that every child in Europe who desires to learn in another European country should have the option to do so without encountering bureaucratic or financial obstacles. The European Pirate Party aims to create a system that encourages cross-border education and makes it accessible to all students in the European Union.

Student exchanges provide a unique opportunity for students to experience different cultures, languages, and educational systems, and they have a positive impact on their personal and professional development. The European Pirate Party will work towards expanding and facilitating these programs to ensure that every student has the opportunity to participate in a student exchange program during their educational career.

Cooperative Education

We also recognize the importance of cooperative and collaborative programs between European universities and schools. Such programs can include joint degree programs, research projects, and cultural exchange programs. The European Pirate Party will work towards expanding and facilitating these programs to ensure that every student has access to them.

EuroRail for Students

In addition, we believe in making cross-border education more affordable and accessible. We propose to introduce European rail tickets for all students, which will allow them to travel throughout the European Union. This would encourage students to explore different cultures and educational systems, and promote a more united and connected Europe. The European Pirate Party is committed to promoting education without borders, so that every student in Europe has access to quality education and the opportunity to develop their full potential.

I totally agree. However, to my opinion it should not only count for every child, but also for adults.