Education, Culture, Media, Research & Free Knowledge

Improved public availability of information, knowledge and culture is a prerequisite for the social, technological and economic development of our society. However, it has been hindered by artificial information monopolies which are supposedly designed to motivate creators and inventors to produce more works, while in reality the only beneficiaries of the monopolies are huge corporations, and the system as a whole is failing to meet the claimed objectives. This failure manifests itself in many forms, including the frequent bullying of individuals and SMEs by collecting societies, privatisation of profits from publicly funded works, or the loss of orphan works to society. Our goal is to create an environment where the motivation to create goes hand in hand with freedom of information. This requires a thorough copyright reform and also systemic changes in public sector.


Promotion of the Commons and Free Culture

We will work towards adopting provisions in trade agreements which support the use and development of open formats and Free/Libre Open Source Software and promote the mutual recognition of licence models like Creative Commons.

The creation of commons, such as Free Software, free cultural goods, open patent tools and free and open educational material, must be promoted and legally protected.

Existing cultural heritage shall be to the largest possible extent digitised and made freely available to the public.

Free culture is an important resource for the education and creativity of society. We strive to promote artistic activity and cultural diversity to ensure a rich educational and artistic environment for current and future generations.

In order to foster the spread of culture and knowledge that is the basis for all cultural creation, we want to limit the commercial copyright monopoly period to last between five and twenty years. Free non-commercial file sharing should be allowed.

Copyright Reform

We want a fair and balanced copyright based on the interests of society as a whole. We strive for the abolition of information monopolies, which were supposedly designed to motivate authors to produce more works. In reality, only a handful of privileged benefit while the market as a whole is failing. This market failure is apparent by the frequent bullying of individuals and SMEs by collecting societies and the loss of orphan works and out-of-commerce works to society. Our goal is to create an environment where the motivation to create goes hand in hand with freedom of information.

Improved public availability of information, knowledge, and culture is a prerequisite for the social, technological and economic development of our society. Copying, storing, using, and providing access to literary and artistic works for non-commercial purposes must not only be legalized but protected by law and actively promoted. For this purpose, copyright exceptions must constitute users’ rights and legal protections for digital locks on cultural goods such as digital restrictions management (DRM) must be abolished. Everyone shall be able to enjoy and share our cultural heritage free from the threat of legal action or censorship.

The commercial monopoly given by copyright should be shortened to a reasonable term. Derivative works shall always be permitted, with exceptions that are very specifically enumerated in law with minimal room for interpretation.

The Internet as a medium should know no borders. We consider artificial national barriers for cultural goods a hindrance to the European internal market and in contradiction with European values. We need to unify European copyright laws and make exceptions to the copyright monopoly mandatory across the EU. “This video is not available in your country” should be a thing of the past. Geo-blocking as such should be a thing of the past.

Introducing new monopolies in the sectors of information and culture has to be prevented. By law, the state should only allow or maintain exclusive rights for intangible goods if these are in the public interest. Any exclusive rights must be temporally limited, neither their time-span nor their scope may be expanded retrospectively.

Social life, increasingly taking place in digital spaces, must not be restricted by exclusive rights over intangible goods. Freedom of information must be safeguarded by safeguarding the right to link: Hyperlinks are a fundamental building block of the world wide web and must never constitute a copyright infringement. Remixing, parodies, quotes, and sampling shall be exempt from the exclusive right of commercial copyright monopoly.

European collecting societies must ensure comprehensive transparency, fair participatory rights for their members, and fair contract terms for artists.

Free Knowledge and Education

Educated and critically thinking population is a necessary condition for sustaining functional democracy, welfare, social cohesion, and the very success of the European integration. We strive for universal access to high quality education across the EU that enables people’s personal development, unhindered by their social background.

The education system must provide citizens all the basic skills for independent life in the information society, including functional literacy, legal minimum, network privacy, basic financial literacy, and media education. Through education we shall improve people’s resistance to propaganda and psychological manipulation.

We shall build on sharing the best practices and spread successful educational models (such as media education in Finland) from local level to all member countries.

We consider teachers mobility as an extremely useful way to spread the educational know-how across Europe and to fight the underdevelopment of national education systems. We should strive for a common habit for teachers at all education levels to have experienced at least a semester teaching abroad.

Free flow of knowledge and information is essential and must be promoted and guaranteed in education. Educational institutions should increasingly use learning resources available under free licenses without any restrictions on copying. The availability of educational media under free licenses to all is essential for barrier-free access to education, both within and beyond the borders of the EU. Borderless education is an important part of any European welfare programme that won’t leave parts of Europe behind.

We support the digitisation and publication of documents stored in public libraries and archives across the EU.

We see innovation as the key to the development of our cultural and intellectual wealth. We support educating citizens and students about their right to information and about free formats and Free Software in all types of educational facilities and we oppose maintaining vendor lock-in realities favouring leading digital solutions producers.

Media Freedom and Pluralism

Free and independent media are the foundation of healthy and well-functioning democracies. Yet, we have observed in recent years attempts to paralyse free media by state authorities, attacks and cases of spying on journalists and mergers of media houses hindering European media landscape. Citizens of the EU have the right to receive impartial and pluralistic media content.

We support the effort to harmonise minimum rules and safeguards to protect media freedom and pluralism in the EU. We see strong transparency rules on ownership structures as a key to prevent unfair allocation of state economic resources. We are in need of tools to assess media market concentration and evaluate risks rising from economic transactions having further impact on pluralism in the media market.


Patents in the Information Age

Patents mostly function as a deterrent to innovation rather than as an incentive. The patenting of knowledge in areas like genetics and biotechnology, as well as software, renders it a tangible threat to the future of our society.

Monopolies on plants and seeds and costly legal disputes about often trivial patents already demonstrate how it is both innovators and consumers who have to pay the price. Patent law needs to be reformed or replaced with an approach that enables freer and fairer markets instead of continuing to further stifle innovation.

Rebalancing Patents with the Common Good

Pirates believe that patents do not exist to allow big businesses to stifle competition with an ever-growing tide of trivial and overreaching patents. We therefore want to halt the continued and increasing abuse of patents.

Patents in the Information Society

Economic success in the information society is no longer just dependent on technological inventions, but on the development of knowledge and sharing of information. The effort to regulate these factors, now, via the patent system is diametrically opposed to our demand for freedom of knowledge and human culture.

Patents should never be granted for “inventions” that are trivial, non-substantial, computer programs, business models or works of nature. These types of patent impede the development of an information society and result in the privatisation of the commons. Small and medium IT companies throughout Europe prove that patents on software are no prerequisite to economic success. Innovation must be fairly rewarded, but this does not necessarily require the granting of monopolistic privileges that stifle innovation and negatively affect the access to essential goods.

The EU, its member states and other industrialised countries should not force less developed countries to accept patent provisions that are likely to be detrimental to their essential needs, health, education or development opportunities.

Patents, Medicines and Health

Pirates oppose the frequent abuses of patent privileges, such as introducing spurious changes to medicines with expiring patent protection. Uncompetitive practices such as paying competitors in order to delay the marketing of generics should be actively prevented.

We support the establishment and funding of alternative methods to incentivise pharmaceutical innovation, to progressively replace patents in this area. It is our aim to break the direct link between the reward for advances and the price of the end product to ensure medicines are affordable for all.

Universities and research institutes should be able to carry out scientific research for health and medicine without being encumbered by patents.

International Regulation of Intellectual Monopolies

Pirates strive for a revision of the TRIPS Agreement in favour of restricting exclusive rights on intangible goods. We would aim for similar restrictions to apply to all trade agreements which may include similar or even more far-reaching regulations on patents and copyright.

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Dear all,

firstly, thanks for the interest in this topic and willingness to help out drafting.

I am sharing the first draft of the text. I took the programme from 2019 as a prerequisite. I have modified parts of the text, which felt outdated or linked to the legislations already finalised.

I believe it would be wise to shorten the text, given some of the ideas are replicated in more parts of the text. Let me know, what you think could be erased.

Given the increased focus in the EU on preserving of freedom and independence within the EU media market (and link between media and right to receive information etc) I suggest adding a new paragraph and add the issues of Media to the headline of the chapter.

Looking forward to your comments and contributions.

Empirical research shows that patents are a barrier to innovation rather than an incentive. Historical evidence indicates that the spreading of ideas is much more effective in encouraging innovation.

For example pharmaceutical patents: An alternative to patent monopolies is patent pooling, which ensures competition and makes medicines affordable. There should always be transparency about cost and market price. Pirates want to ensure access to essential medicines for all.

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Thank you for the comments. I added them to the edited text. Also incorporated remark of Marcel Kolaja regarding opposition to copyright limitation regime for AI generated content. Pasting the edited text:

Improved public availability of information, knowledge and culture is a prerequisite for the social, technological and economic development of our society. However, it has been hindered by artificial information monopolies which are supposedly designed to motivate creators and inventors to produce more works, while in reality the only beneficiaries of the monopolies are huge corporations, and the system as a whole is failing to meet the claimed objectives. This failure manifests itself in many forms, including the frequent bullying of individuals and SMEs by collecting societies, privatisation of profits from publicly funded works, or the loss of orphan works to society. Our goal is to create an environment where the motivation to create goes hand in hand with freedom of information. This requires a thorough copyright reform and also systemic changes in public sector.


Promotion of the Commons and Free Culture

We will work towards adopting provisions in trade agreements which support the use and development of open formats and Free/Libre Open Source Software and promote the mutual recognition of licence models like Creative Commons.

The creation of commons, such as Free Software, free cultural goods, open patent tools and free and open educational material, must be promoted and legally protected.

Existing cultural heritage shall be to the largest possible extent digitised and made freely available to the public.

Free culture is an important resource for the education and creativity of society. We strive to promote artistic activity and cultural diversity to ensure a rich educational and artistic environment for current and future generations.

In order to foster the spread of culture and knowledge that is the basis for all cultural creation, we want to limit the commercial copyright monopoly period to last between five and twenty years. Free non-commercial file sharing should be allowed.

Copyright Reform

We want a fair and balanced copyright based on the interests of society as a whole. We strive for the abolition of information monopolies, which were supposedly designed to motivate authors to produce more works. In reality, only a handful of privileged benefit while the market as a whole is failing. This market failure is apparent by the frequent bullying of individuals and SMEs by collecting societies and the loss of orphan works and out-of-commerce works to society. Our goal is to create an environment where the motivation to create goes hand in hand with freedom of information.

Improved public availability of information, knowledge, and culture is a prerequisite for the social, technological and economic development of our society. Copying, storing, using, and providing access to literary and artistic works for non-commercial purposes must not only be legalized but protected by law and actively promoted. For this purpose, copyright exceptions must constitute users’ rights and legal protections for digital locks on cultural goods such as digital restrictions management (DRM) must be abolished. Everyone shall be able to enjoy and share our cultural heritage free from the threat of legal action or censorship.

The commercial monopoly given by copyright should be shortened to a reasonable term. Derivative works shall always be permitted, with exceptions that are very specifically enumerated in law with minimal room for interpretation. Given the exponential rise of importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in nowadays society, Pirates strictly oppose creation of additional layers of copyright limitation for AI generated outputs – such as AI generates texts, paintings and others.

The Internet as a medium should know no borders. We consider artificial national barriers for cultural goods a hindrance to the European internal market and in contradiction with European values. We need to unify European copyright laws and make exceptions to the copyright monopoly mandatory across the EU. “This video is not available in your country” should be a thing of the past. Geo-blocking as such should be a thing of the past.

Introducing new monopolies in the sectors of information and culture has to be prevented. By law, the state should only allow or maintain exclusive rights for intangible goods if these are in the public interest. Any exclusive rights must be temporally limited, neither their time-span nor their scope may be expanded retrospectively.

Social life, increasingly taking place in digital spaces, must not be restricted by exclusive rights over intangible goods. Freedom of information must be safeguarded by safeguarding the right to link: Hyperlinks are a fundamental building block of the world wide web and must never constitute a copyright infringement. Remixing, parodies, quotes, and sampling shall be exempt from the exclusive right of commercial copyright monopoly.

European collecting societies must ensure comprehensive transparency, fair participatory rights for their members, and fair contract terms for artists.

Free Knowledge and Education

Educated and critically thinking population is a necessary condition for sustaining functional democracy, welfare, social cohesion, and the very success of the European integration. We strive for universal access to high quality education across the EU that enables people’s personal development, unhindered by their social background.

The education system must provide citizens all the basic skills for independent life in the information society, including functional literacy, legal minimum, network privacy, basic financial literacy, and media education. Through education we shall improve people’s resistance to propaganda and psychological manipulation.

We shall build on sharing the best practices and spread successful educational models (such as media education in Finland) from local level to all member countries.

We consider teachers mobility as an extremely useful way to spread the educational know-how across Europe and to fight the underdevelopment of national education systems. We should strive for a common habit for teachers at all education levels to have experienced at least a semester teaching abroad.

Free flow of knowledge and information is essential and must be promoted and guaranteed in education. Educational institutions should increasingly use learning resources available under free licenses without any restrictions on copying. The availability of educational media under free licenses to all is essential for barrier-free access to education, both within and beyond the borders of the EU. Borderless education is an important part of any European welfare programme that won’t leave parts of Europe behind.

We support the digitisation and publication of documents stored in public libraries and archives across the EU.

We see innovation as the key to the development of our cultural and intellectual wealth. We support educating citizens and students about their right to information and about free formats and Free Software in all types of educational facilities and we oppose maintaining vendor lock-in realities favouring leading digital solutions producers.

Media Freedom and Pluralism

Free and independent media are the foundation of healthy and well-functioning democracies. Yet, we have observed in recent years attempts to paralyse free media by state authorities, attacks and cases of spying on journalists and mergers of media houses hindering European media landscape. Citizens of the EU have the right to receive impartial and pluralistic media content.

We support the effort to harmonise minimum rules and safeguards to protect media freedom and pluralism in the EU. We see strong transparency rules on ownership structures as a key to prevent unfair allocation of state economic resources. We are in need of tools to assess media market concentration and evaluate risks rising from economic transactions having further impact on pluralism in the media market.


Patents in the Information Age

Patents mostly function as a barrier to innovation rather than an incentive. The patenting of knowledge in areas like genetics and biotechnology, as well as software, renders it a tangible threat to the future of our society.

Monopolies on plants and seeds and costly legal disputes about often trivial patents already demonstrate how it is both innovators and consumers who have to pay the price. Patent law needs to be reformed or replaced with an approach that enables freer and fairer markets instead of continuing to further stifle innovation.

Rebalancing Patents with the Common Good

Pirates believe that patents do not exist to allow big businesses to stifle competition with an ever-growing tide of trivial and overreaching patents. We therefore want to halt the continued and increasing abuse of patents.

Patents in the Information Society

Economic success in the information society is no longer just dependent on technological inventions, but on the development of knowledge and sharing of information. The effort to regulate these factors, now, via the patent system is diametrically opposed to our demand for freedom of knowledge and human culture.

Patents should never be granted for “inventions” that are trivial, non-substantial, computer programs, business models or works of nature. These types of patent impede the development of an information society and result in the privatisation of the commons. Small and medium IT companies throughout Europe prove that patents on software are no prerequisite to economic success. Innovation must be fairly rewarded, but this does not necessarily require the granting of monopolistic privileges that stifle innovation and negatively affect the access to essential goods.

The EU, its member states and other industrialised countries should not force less developed countries to accept patent provisions that are likely to be detrimental to their essential needs, health, education or development opportunities.

Patents, Medicines and Health

Pirates oppose the frequent abuses of patent privileges, such as introducing spurious changes to medicines with expiring patent protection. Uncompetitive practices such as paying competitors in order to delay the marketing of generics should be actively prevented.

We support the establishment and funding of alternative methods to incentivise pharmaceutical innovation, to progressively replace patents in this area. An alternative to patent monopolies is patent pooling, which ensures competition and makes medicines affordable. It is our aim to break the direct link between the reward for advances and the price of the end product to ensure medicines are affordable for all. Pirates strive to ensure access to essential medicines for everyone.

Universities and research institutes should be able to carry out scientific research for health and medicine without being encumbered by patents.

International Regulation of Intellectual Monopolies

Pirates strive for a revision of the TRIPS Agreement in favour of restricting exclusive rights on intangible goods. We would aim for similar restrictions to apply to all trade agreements which may include similar or even more far-reaching regulations on patents and copyright.

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Modified text:

Improved public availability of information, knowledge and culture is a prerequisite for the social, technological and economic development of our society. However, it has been hindered by artificial information monopolies which are supposedly designed to motivate creators and inventors to produce more works, while in reality the only beneficiaries of the monopolies are huge corporations, and the system as a whole is failing to meet the claimed objectives. This failure manifests itself in many forms, including the frequent bullying of individuals and SMEs by collecting societies, privatization of profits from publicly funded works, or the loss of orphan works to society. We face attempts to create new copyright restrictions on AI generated content.

Our goal is to create an environment where the motivation to create goes hand in hand with freedom of information. All of those challenges require a thorough copyright reform and also systemic changes in public sector.


Promotion of the Commons and Free Culture

We will work towards adopting provisions in trade agreements which support the use and development of open formats and Free/Libre Open Source Software and promote the mutual recognition of licence models like Creative Commons.

The creation of commons, such as Free Software, free cultural goods, open patent tools and free and open educational material, must be promoted and legally protected.

Existing cultural heritage shall be to the largest possible extent digitized and made freely available to the public.

Free culture is an important resource for the education and creativity of society. We strive to promote artistic activity and cultural diversity to ensure a rich educational and artistic environment for current and future generations.

Copyright Reform

We believe in creating a fair system that enables creators to receive compensation for their work, while also ensuring that the public has access to valuable resources. We strive for the abolition of information monopolies, which were supposedly designed to motivate authors to produce more works. In reality, only a handful of privileged benefit while the market as a whole is failing. This market failure is apparent by the frequent bullying of individuals and SMEs by collecting societies and the loss of orphan works and out-of-commerce works to society. Our goal is to create an environment where the motivation to create goes hand in hand with freedom of information.

Copying, storing, using, and providing access to literary and artistic works for non-commercial purposes must not only be legalized but protected by law and actively promoted. Everyone shall be able to enjoy and share our cultural heritage free from the threat of legal action or censorship.

The commercial monopoly given by copyright should be shortened to a reasonable term. Derivative works shall always be permitted, with exceptions that are very specifically enumerated in law with minimal room for interpretation. Freedom of information must be safeguarded by safeguarding the right to link: Hyperlinks are a fundamental building block of the world wide web and must never constitute a copyright infringement. Remixing, parodies, quotes, and sampling shall be exempt from the exclusive right of commercial copyright monopoly.

Introducing new monopolies in the sectors of information and culture has to be prevented. Pirates strictly oppose creation of additional layers of copyright restriction for AI generated outputs – such as AI generates texts, paintings and others. By law, the state should only allow or maintain exclusive rights for intangible goods if these are in the public interest. Any exclusive rights must be temporally limited, neither their time-span nor their scope may be expanded retrospectively.

European collecting societies must ensure comprehensive transparency, fair participatory rights for their members, and fair contract terms for artists.

In order to foster the spread of culture and knowledge that is the basis for all cultural creation, we want to limit the commercial copyright monopoly period to last between five and twenty years after publication of the work. Free non-commercial file sharing should be allowed.

The European Pirate Party is committed to advocating for a copyright reform that is modern, inclusive and just. We will continue to push for a copyright system that reflects the changing landscape of the digital age and promotes a more equitable society.

Free Knowledge and Education

Educated and critically thinking population is a necessary condition for sustaining functional democracy, welfare, social cohesion, and the very success of the European integration. We strive for universal access to high quality education across the EU that enables people’s personal development, unhindered by their social background.

The education system must provide citizens all the basic skills for independent life in the information society, including functional literacy, legal minimum, network privacy, basic financial literacy, and media education. Through education we shall improve people’s resistance to propaganda and psychological manipulation.

We shall build on sharing the best practices and spread successful educational models (such as media education in Finland) from local level to all member countries.

We consider teachers mobility as an extremely useful way to spread the educational know-how across Europe and to fight the underdevelopment of national education systems. We should strive for a common habit for teachers at all education levels to have experienced at least a semester teaching abroad.

Free flow of knowledge and information is essential and must be promoted and guaranteed in education. Educational institutions should increasingly use learning resources available under free licenses without any restrictions on copying. The availability of educational media under free licenses to all is essential for barrier-free access to education, both within and beyond the borders of the EU. Borderless education is an important part of any European welfare programme that won’t leave parts of Europe behind.

We support the digitisation and publication of documents stored in public libraries and archives across the EU.

We see innovation as the key to the development of our cultural and intellectual wealth. We support educating citizens and students about their right to information and about free formats and Free Software in all types of educational facilities and we oppose maintaining vendor lock-in realities favouring leading digital solutions producers.

Media Freedom and Pluralism

Free and independent media are the foundation of healthy and well-functioning democracies. Yet, we have observed in recent years attempts to paralyse free media by state authorities, attacks and cases of spying on journalists and mergers of media houses hindering European media landscape. Citizens of the EU have the right to receive impartial and pluralistic media content.

We support the effort to harmonise minimum rules and safeguards to protect media freedom and pluralism in the EU. We see strong transparency rules on ownership structures as a key to prevent unfair allocation of state economic resources. We are in need of tools to assess media market concentration and evaluate risks rising from economic transactions having further impact on pluralism in the media market.


Patents in the Information Age

Patents mostly function as abarrier to innovation rather than an incentive. The patenting of knowledge in areas like genetics and biotechnology, as well as software, renders it a tangible threat to the future of our society.

Monopolies on plants and seeds and costly legal disputes about often trivial patents already demonstrate how it is both innovators and consumers who have to pay the price. Patent law needs to be reformed or replaced with an approach that enables freer and fairer markets instead of continuing to further stifle innovation.

Rebalancing Patents with the Common Good

Pirates believe that patents do not exist to allow big businesses to stifle competition with an ever-growing tide of trivial and overreaching patents. We therefore want to halt the continued and increasing abuse of patents.

Patents in the Information Society

Economic success in the information society is no longer just dependent on technological inventions, but on the development of knowledge and sharing of information. The effort to regulate these factors, now, via the patent system is diametrically opposed to our demand for freedom of knowledge and human culture.

Patents should never be granted for “inventions” that are trivial, non-substantial, computer programs, business models or works of nature. These types of patent impede the development of an information society and result in the privatisation of the commons. Small and medium IT companies throughout Europe prove that patents on software are no prerequisite to economic success. Innovation must be fairly rewarded, but this does not necessarily require the granting of monopolistic privileges that stifle innovation and negatively affect the access to essential goods.

The EU, its member states and other industrialised countries should not force less developed countries to accept patent provisions that are likely to be detrimental to their essential needs, health, education or development opportunities.

Patents, Medicines and Health

Pirates oppose the frequent abuses of patent privileges, such as introducing spurious changes to medicines with expiring patent protection. Uncompetitive practices such as paying competitors in order to delay the marketing of generics should be actively prevented.

We support the establishment and funding of alternative methods to incentivise pharmaceutical innovation, to progressively replace patents in this area. An alternative to patent monopolies is patent pooling, which ensures competition and makes medicines affordable. It is our aim to break the direct link between the reward for advances and the price of the end product to ensure medicines are affordable for all. Pirates strive to ensure access to essential medicines for everyone.

Universities and research institutes should be able to carry out scientific research for health and medicine without being encumbered by patents.

International Regulation of Intellectual Monopolies

Pirates strive for a revision of the TRIPS Agreement in favour of restricting exclusive rights on intangible goods. We would aim for similar restrictions to apply to all trade agreements which may include similar or even more far-reaching regulations on patents and copyright.

adding the modified text following the call and inputs here:

Improved public availability of information, knowledge and culture is a prerequisite for the social, technological and economic development of our society. However, it has been hindered by artificial information monopolies which are supposedly designed to motivate creators and inventors to produce more works, while in reality the only beneficiaries of the monopolies are huge corporations, and the system as a whole is failing to meet the claimed objectives. This failure manifests itself in many forms, including the frequent bullying of individuals and SMEs by collecting societies, privatization of profits from publicly funded works, or the loss of orphan works to society. We face attempts to create new copyright restrictions on AI generated content.

Our goal is to create an environment where the motivation to create goes hand in hand with freedom of information. All of those challenges require a thorough copyright reform and also systemic changes in public sector.


Promotion of the Commons and Free Culture

We will work towards adopting provisions in trade agreements which support the use and development of open formats and Free/Libre Open Source Software and promote the mutual recognition of licence models like Creative Commons.

The creation of commons, such as Free Software, free cultural goods, open patent tools and free and open educational material, must be promoted and legally protected.

Existing cultural heritage shall be to the largest possible extent digitized and made freely available to the public.

Free culture is an important resource for the education and creativity of society. We strive to promote artistic activity and cultural diversity to ensure a rich educational and artistic environment for current and future generations.

Copyright Reform

We believe in creating a fair system that enables creators to receive compensation for their work, while also ensuring that the public has access to valuable resources. We strive for the abolition of information monopolies, which were supposedly designed to motivate authors to produce more works. In reality, only a handful of privileged benefit while the market as a whole is failing. This market failure is apparent by the frequent bullying of individuals and SMEs by collecting societies and the loss of orphan works and out-of-commerce works to society. Our goal is to create an environment where the motivation to create goes hand in hand with freedom of information.

Copying, storing, using, and providing access to literary and artistic works for non-commercial purposes must not only be legalized but protected by law and actively promoted. Everyone shall be able to enjoy and share our cultural heritage free from the threat of legal action or censorship.

The commercial monopoly given by copyright should be shortened to a reasonable term. Derivative works shall always be permitted, with exceptions that are very specifically enumerated in law with minimal room for interpretation. Freedom of information must be safeguarded by safeguarding the right to link: Hyperlinks are a fundamental building block of the world wide web and must never constitute a copyright infringement. Remixing, parodies, quotes, and sampling shall be exempt from the exclusive right of commercial copyright monopoly.

Introducing new monopolies in the sectors of information and culture has to be prevented. Pirates strictly oppose creation of additional layers of copyright restriction for AI generated outputs – such as AI generates texts, paintings and others. By law, the state should only allow or maintain exclusive rights for intangible goods if these are in the public interest. Any exclusive rights must be temporally limited, neither their time-span nor their scope may be expanded retrospectively.

European collecting societies must ensure comprehensive transparency, fair participatory rights for their members, and fair contract terms for artists.

In order to foster the spread of culture and knowledge that is the basis for all cultural creation, we want to limit the commercial copyright monopoly period to last between five and twenty years after publication of the work. Free non-commercial file sharing should be allowed.

The European Pirate Party is committed to advocating for a copyright reform that is modern, inclusive and just. We will continue to push for a copyright system that reflects the changing landscape of the digital age and promotes a more equitable society.

Free Knowledge and Education

Educated and critically thinking population is a necessary condition for sustaining functional democracy, welfare, social cohesion, and the very success of the European integration. We strive for universal access to high quality education across the EU that enables people’s personal development, unhindered by their social background.

The education system must provide citizens all the basic skills for independent life in the information society, including functional literacy, legal minimum, network privacy, basic financial literacy, and media education. Through education we shall improve people’s resistance to propaganda and psychological manipulation.

The European Pirate Party aims to create a system that encourages cross-border education and makes it accessible to all students and worker in educationin the European Union. We consider teachers mobility as an extremely useful way to spread the educational know-how across Europe and to fight the underdevelopment of national education systems. We should strive for a common habit for teachers at all education levels to have experienced at least a semester teaching abroad.

Free flow of knowledge and information is essential and must be promoted and guaranteed in education. Educational institutions should increasingly use learning resources available under free licenses without any restrictions on copying. The availability of educational media under free licenses to all is essential for barrier-free access to education, both within and beyond the borders of the EU.

We support the digitisation of educational institutions and publication of documents stored in public libraries and archives across the EU.

We see innovation as the key to the development of our cultural and intellectual wealth. We support educating citizens and students about their right to information and about free formats and Free Software in all types of educational facilities and we oppose maintaining vendor lock-in realities favouring leading digital solutions producers.

Media Freedom and Pluralism

Free and independent media are the foundation of healthy and well-functioning democracies. Yet, we have observed in recent years attempts to paralyse free media by state authorities, attacks and cases of spying on journalists and mergers of media houses hindering European media landscape. Citizens of the EU have the right to receive impartial and pluralistic media content.

We support the effort to harmonise minimum rules and safeguards to protect media freedom and pluralism in the EU. We see strong transparency rules on ownership structures as a key to prevent unfair allocation of state economic resources. We are in need of tools to assess media market concentration and evaluate risks rising from economic transactions having further impact on pluralism in the media market.


Patents in the Information Age

Patents mostly function as abarrier to innovation rather than an incentive. The patenting of knowledge in areas like genetics and biotechnology, as well as software, renders it a tangible threat to the future of our society.

Monopolies on plants and seeds and costly legal disputes about often trivial patents already demonstrate how it is both innovators and consumers who have to pay the price. Patent law needs to be reformed or replaced with an approach that enables freer and fairer markets instead of continuing to further stifle innovation.

Rebalancing Patents with the Common Good

Pirates believe that patents do not exist to allow big businesses to stifle competition with an ever-growing tide of trivial and overreaching patents. We therefore want to halt the continued and increasing abuse of patents.

Patents in the Information Society

Economic success in the information society is no longer just dependent on technological inventions, but on the development of knowledge and sharing of information. The effort to regulate these factors, now, via the patent system is diametrically opposed to our demand for freedom of knowledge and human culture.

Patents should never be granted for “inventions” that are trivial, non-substantial, computer programs, business models or works of nature. These types of patent impede the development of an information society and result in the privatisation of the commons. Small and medium IT companies throughout Europe prove that patents on software are no prerequisite to economic success. Innovation must be fairly rewarded, but this does not necessarily require the granting of monopolistic privileges that stifle innovation and negatively affect the access to essential goods.

The EU, its member states and other industrialised countries should not force less developed countries to accept patent provisions that are likely to be detrimental to their essential needs, health, education or development opportunities.

Patents, Medicines and Health

Pirates oppose the frequent abuses of patent privileges, such as introducing spurious changes to medicines with expiring patent protection. Uncompetitive practices such as paying competitors in order to delay the marketing of generics should be actively prevented.

We support the establishment and funding of alternative methods to incentivise pharmaceutical innovation, to progressively replace patents in this area. An alternative to patent monopolies is patent pooling, which ensures competition and makes medicines affordable. It is our aim to break the direct link between the reward for advances and the price of the end product to ensure medicines are affordable for all. Pirates strive to ensure access to essential medicines for everyone.

Universities and research institutes should be able to carry out scientific research for health and medicine without being encumbered by patents.

International Regulation of Intellectual Monopolies

Pirates strive for a revision of the TRIPS Agreement in favour of restricting exclusive rights on intangible goods. We would aim for similar restrictions to apply to all trade agreements which may include similar or even more far-reaching regulations on patents and copyright.

Dear all, thanks you a lot for the great cooperation today.
I am sharing a text that was agreed in the meeting in Strasbourg. There are still some minors points to be edited. Will share the final text on Monday:

Expanded public availability of information, knowledge and culture is a prerequisite for the social, technological and economic development of our society. However, it has been hindered by artificial information monopolies which are supposedly designed to motivate creators and inventors to produce more works, while in reality the only beneficiaries of the monopolies are huge corporations, and the system as a whole is failing to meet the claimed objectives. This failure manifests itself in many forms, including the frequent bullying of individuals and small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) by collecting societies, privatization of profits from publicly funded works, or the loss of orphan works to society. We face attempts to create new copyright restrictions on AI generated content.

Our goal is to create an environment where the motivation to create goes hand in hand with freedom of information. All of those challenges require a thorough copyright reform and also systemic changes in public sector.


Promotion of the Commons and Free Culture

We will work towards adopting provisions in trade agreements which support the use and development of open formats and Free/Libre Open Source Software and promote the mutual recognition of licence models like Creative Commons.

The creation of commons, such as Free Software, free cultural goods, open patent tools and free and open educational material, must be promoted and legally protected.

Existing cultural heritage shall be to the largest possible extent digitized and made available to the public free of charge.

Free culture is an important base for the education and creativity of society. We strive to promote artistic activity and cultural diversity to ensure a rich educational and artistic environment for current and future generations.

Copyright Reform

The European Pirate Party is advocating for a copyright reform that is inclusive and fair. We strive towards a copyright system that reflects the changing landscape of the digital age and promotes a more equitable society.

We believe in creating a fair system that enables creators to receive compensation for their work, while also ensuring that the public has access to valuable resources. We strive for the abolition of information monopolies, which were supposedly designed to motivate authors to produce more works. In reality, only a handful benefit while the market as a whole is failing. Our goal is to create an environment where the motivation to create goes hand in hand with freedom of information.

Copying, storing, using, and providing access to literary and artistic works for non-commercial purposes must not only be legalized but protected by law. Everyone shall be able to enjoy and share our cultural heritage free from the threat of legal action or censorship.

The time-span of a commercial monopoly given by copyright should be further shortened. Derivative works shall always be permitted, with exceptions that are very specifically enumerated in law with minimal room for interpretation. Freedom of information must be safeguarded by safeguarding the right to link: Hyperlinks are a fundamental building block of the world wide web and must never constitute a copyright infringement. Remixing, parodies, quotes, and sampling shall be exempt from the exclusive right of commercial copyright monopoly. Non-commercial file sharing should be allowed.

Monopolies in the sectors of information and culture have to be prevented. Pirates strictly oppose creation of additional layers of copyright restriction for AI generated outputs – such as AI generates texts, paintings and others. By law, the State should only allow or maintain exclusive rights for intangible goods if these are in the public interest. Any exclusive rights must be temporally limited, neither their time-span nor their scope may be expanded retrospectively.

European collecting societies must ensure comprehensive transparency, fair participatory rights for their members, and fair contract terms for artists.

Free Knowledge and Education

An educated and critically thinking population is a necessary condition for sustaining functional democracy, welfare andsocial cohesion. We strive for universal access to high quality education across the EU that enables people’s personal development, unhindered by their social and economic background.

The education system must offer citizens all the basic skills for independent and creative life in the information society. Through education we wish to improve people’s critical thinking.

The European Pirate Party aims to create a system that encourages cross-border education and makes it accessible to all students and worker in education in the European Union. Students and teachers mobility is an extremely useful way to spread the educational know-how across Europe and to fight the underdevelopment of national education systems.

Free access to knowledge and information is essential and must be promoted and guaranteed in education. Educational institutions should increasingly use learning resources available under free licenses without any restrictions on copying. The availability of educational media under free licenses to all is essential for barrier-free access to education, both within and beyond the borders of the EU.

We support the digitisation of educational institutions and publication of documents stored in public libraries and archives across the EU.

We see innovation as the key to the development of our cultural and intellectual wealth. We support educating citizens and students about their right to information and about free formats and Free Software in all types of educational facilities and we oppose maintaining vendor lock-in realities favouring leading digital solutions producers.

Media Freedom and Pluralism

Free and independent media are the foundation of healthy and well-functioning democracies. Yet, we have observed in recent years attempts to paralyse free media by state authorities, attacks and cases of spying on journalists and mergers of media houses hindering European media landscape. Citizens of the EU have the right to receive impartial and pluralistic media content.

We support the effort to harmonise minimum rules and safeguards to protect media freedom and pluralism in the EU. We see strong rules on ownership structures and promoted content as a key to prevent unfair allocation of state economic resources. We are in need of tools to assess media market concentration and evaluate risks rising from economic transactions having further impact on pluralism in the media market.


Patents in the Information Age

Patents are often an obstacle to innovation rather than an incentive. The patenting of knowledge in areas like genetics and biotechnology, as well as software, renders it a tangible threat to the future of our society.

Monopolies on plants and seeds and costly legal disputes about often trivial patents already demonstrate how it is both innovators and consumers who have to pay the price. Patent law needs to be reformed or replaced with an approach that enables a shared economy, more accessible and sustainable markets instead of continuing to further stifle innovation.

Rebalancing Patents with the Common Good

Patents do not exist to allow big businesses to stifle competition with an ever-growing tide of trivial and overreaching patents. We therefore want to halt the continued and increasing abuse of patents.

Patents in the Information Society

A success in the information society is no longer dependent only on technological inventions, but on the development of knowledge and sharing of information. The effort to regulate these factors, now, via the patent system is diametrically opposed to our demand for freedom of knowledge and culture.

Patents should never be granted for “inventions” that are trivial, non-substantial, computer programs, business models or works of nature. These types of patent impede the development of an information society and result in the privatisation of the commons.Innovation must be fairly rewarded, but this does not necessarily require the granting of monopolistic privileges that stifle innovation and negatively affect the access to essential goods.

The EU, its Member States and other industrialised countries should not force less developed countries to accept patent provisions that are likely to be detrimental to their essential needs, health, education or development opportunities.

Patents, Medicines and Health

We oppose the frequent abuses of patent privileges, such as introducing spurious changes to medicines with expiring patent protection. Uncompetitive practices such as paying competitors in order to delay the marketing of generics should be actively prevented.

We support the establishment and funding of alternative methods to incentivise pharmaceutical innovation, to progressively replace patents in this area. . It is our aim to break the direct link between the reward for advances and the price of the end product to ensure medicines are affordable for all.

Universities and research institutes should be able to carry out scientific research for health and medicine without being encumbered by patents.

International Regulation of Intellectual Monopolies

Pirates strive for a revision of the TRIPS Agreement in favour of restricting exclusive rights on intangible goods. We would aim for similar restrictions to apply to all trade agreements which may include similar or even more far-reaching regulations on patents and copyright.