Access to Digital Communication: Ensuring Free and Open Participation for All

Digital communication networks, such as the internet, have become an essential part of our lives and will only continue to grow in importance. Without access to these networks, true freedom of expression and personal development becomes impossible.

Access to digital communication is crucial for full participation in social life, free publication, access to public information, self-education, and economic and cultural engagement online. It must never be permanently or temporarily restricted, nor fully or partially blocked.

Instead, it must be ensured that every member of society has access to digital communication on equal terms. This includes ensuring that rural areas have the necessary quality and data transmission rates to fully participate in the available services. No community should be excluded from participating in the digital world, whether through fixed or mobile networks. To achieve this, available frequencies must be made available for broad, civil, and democratic use. When reserving and allocating frequency ranges, the societal benefits of their use and the provision of access for all interested parties must take priority over monetary interests.

To remove economic barriers to access, every member of society should have an explicit right to participate. For those who do not have the financial means to acquire and operate the necessary technology, social security systems should enable the acquisition and operation of the necessary equipment.

Let’s make digital communication a universal right and ensure free and open participation for all!

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