About the Stop Killing Games category

It’s vital that we retain control of our digital products, which is why the European Pirates have teamed up with the Stop Killing Games (SKG) movement and endorsed the Stop Destroying Videogames European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI). SKGs goals align strongly with the Pirates’ political aims of strengthening human rights in the digital age.

This category is created to facilitate collaboration with the SKG movement, as regards to the ECI and beyond.

As a pirate you can support SKG by signing the European Citizens’ Initiative and joining as a volunteer in the SKG community. SKG need many additional volunteers to do their best work, from video editors to people who watch youtube videos and create clips; from outreach campaigners and popularizers to internal organizing roles; as well as developers of technology supportive of the movement, from Python programmers, through devops engineers, to AI specialists. The community is very well organized and the volunteers are very thoughtful, and you can learn a lot from organizing with them. It is run by Damian Marcinczyk, one of the SKG organizers, whose outreach team led by Savvas Magliveras contacted us about collaboration.

Anyone can help - whether you’re a barber or a lawyer, there will be something impactful for you to do. We also recommend that member Pirate Parties should endorse Stop Killing Games and get in touch with the organizers via the means listed below.

Damian Marcinczyk (email)
Savvas Magliveras (email)

Stop Killing Games official Discord
Stop Killing Games other Discord

Sign the ECI
Stop Killing Games Linktree