About the 17th Council meeting

The 17th Council meeting of the European Pirate Party is tentatively scheduled to take place online on the 24th of November. However, Member parties have the possibility to apply to organize a hybrid Council meeting in their Country.

An application to host the Council meeting should be submitted to the Board before the 11th of September. The application can be posted in this thread, or sent by email to the board. It should contain an overview of the planned location, side events and technical equipment that will be available for the meeting.

If the Council Meeting is turned into a hybrid meeting, the hosting Member party can chose that it should take place on 23-24th of November, 30 November to 1st of December, or 7-8th of December, The exact dates should be included in the application.

The board will decide on any application to host the Council Meeting on the 12th of September. The decision will be communicated in the invitation to the meeting.


Due to vacancies in the Board, the Council will elect two new Board Members at the 17th Council meeting. Deadline for applications is one month before the date of the Council meeting.

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