5 year Workplan - with Teambuilding drafts and 4th Board Meeting Discussions


Following the Team Building weekend of the Board in late June, Beau established drafts of a 5 year timeline and the vision that were laid out in the brainstorming sessions.


To establish a 5 year workplan and its timeline with milestones, objectives and the actions needed to realize them.


Minutes from the last board meeting

Sara : We might be able to sync the roadmap with the local parties: sharing what is our roadmap with them in order for them to develop their strategy towards the next european election.

Florian is reminding the big goals of next European Elections, that is getting funding for PPEU. The CEEP should be made with as many inputs and validation from the member parties as possible.The big challenge is to setup a proper campaign. We can get inspiration from Citizen’s Assemblies processes.

Example: vTaiwan

That’s a long term plan / dream vision for the CEEP process

Mab pointed out that Member Parties need more time to finalise the whole process and we should have more people involved in the process as well (especially in Discourse or whenever we are). We need to come up with an action plan on how to get people involved beforehand.

Florian is recalling that Pirates love tools but also processes and the humans carrying them are very important. We are laying the groundwork to stabilize the structure in the long run.

Additional Material : Team Building Ressources


Over time, this section will be used to keep track of what is decided and produced

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