18th Council Meeting - Palestine / Israel Issue - 3rd Vote

Motion : The Council adopts the text referenced below as its position on the situation between Israel and Palestine

Board Counter-Motion to the Greek Pirate Party Motion on Palestine.pdf (29.7 KB)


Approval voting. Abstentions are not taken into account. Delegates please cast your votes in a message below.

Message example :
Felix with 3 votes for Party X and 1 vote for party Y
- Yes / No: up to 3 votes for Party X + up to 1 vote for party Y


Pirati, 1, yes

PPCH 1 vote NO

PPSE - 1 vote - no

PPFI - 1 vote - no

PPFR - Abstain

We have no official position on the matter at this point in time, thus I can not in good faith answer from the french Pirate Party.

pirata.cat votes no (-1 vote)

PPGR - 1 vote - yes (it’s the least we can do - and even without considering the use of the term “genocide”, we’re already too late to formally comment pollitically on the situation as PPEU)

PP-NL no 1 vote

YPE abstain
PPCZ 3 votes yes

For : 5
Against : 7

Result : the organisation does not adopt the text as its position.