15th Council Meeting Board & CoCC Nominations Thread

The following positions in the organisation will be elected at the 15th Council meeting:


  • Chairperson
  • 2 Vice-Chairs
  • Treasurer
  • Up to 5 additional Board Members

Code of Conduct Council

  • Up to 3 Code of Conduct Council Members

Please note that the deadline for nominations hass passed.

Received nominations



Postion Name Nominated by Accepted
Chair Mikulas Peksa PP-CZ, PP-DE, PP-SE
Vice Chair Anja Hirschel PP-DE, PP-SE
Vice Chair Florian Roussel YPE, PP-FR
Vice Chair Mikulas Peksa PP-DE
Vice Chair Veronika Murzynová PP-DE, PP-CZ, PP-SE
Treassurer Alessandro Ciofini Pirati, PP-DE, PP-SE
Board Member Anja Hirschel PP-SE
Board Member Florian Roussel YPE, PP-DE, PP-SE, PP-FR
Board Member Giuseppe Calandra Pirati
Board Member Jan Mareš PP-DE, PP-CZ
Board Member Petra Kovačec PP-DE, PP-SE
Board Member Sara Hjalmarsson PP-SE
Board Member Sebastian Krone PP-DE
Board Member Tim Leidig YPE
Board Member Veronika Murzynová PP-CZ, PP-SE

Code of Conduct Council

Postion Name Nominated by Accepted
CoCC Member Petr Kocourek PP-CZ
CoCC Member Michal Gill PP-CZ
CoCC Member Umber Douroux YPE
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As mentioned by E-Mail:

PP-DE is nominating

Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ)

Vice Chair (2 Personen):

Veronika Murzynová (PP-CZ)
Anja Hirschel (PP-DE)
Mikuláš Peksa (PP-CZ) (if not already elected as chair)


Alessandro Ciofini (PP-IT)

Additional Board Members:

Petra Kovačec (PP-SI)
Jan Mareš (PP-CZ)
Florian Roussel (PP-FR)
Sebastian Krone (PP-DE)

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As the PPCZ’s international coordinator, I hereby nominate the following people for the respective PPEU positions, based on our internal selection:

Mikuláš Peksa (PPCZ) for chair, vice-chair and a regular board member
Veronika Murzynová (PPCZ) for vice-chair and a regular board member
Jan Mareš (PPCZ) for a regular board member

Petr Kocourek (PPCZ) for a member of the court of conduct council
Michal Gill (PPCZ) for a member of the court of conduct council

We were running out of time, hence didn’t have time for a discussion on the nomination of people from outside of our own party. We apologise for that and will, respectfully, not nominate anyone in this way, but will happily support any nominees stepping forward whom we deem useful towards our common goal; for example, that definitely includes everyone from the PPDE list of nominees and we commend the nominations by our German colleagues. Thank you.

Youth should be represented in the PPEU board and the Code of Conduct Council. Therefore, as President on behalf of the Young Pirates of Europe board, I nominate the following Pirates to these positions:

Florian Roussel (PPFR) for vice-chair and a regular board member.
Tim Leidig (PPDE) for a regular board member.
Umber Douroux (PPFR) for member of CoCC.

I will also use this place to express our support for the following nominees: Petra Kovačec, Giuseppe Calandra, and Alessandro Ciofini.

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Hi! I’m Umber. I will represent PPFR for the upcoming council meeting. I will also be in Luxembourg next month.

PPFR is nominating:

  • Florian Roussel (PPFR) for Vice-chair and a regular board member.

I would like to add another thing. Normally PPFR nominate some people from outside of our party. This time we couldn’t do it. We were out of time and our processes obliged us to do an extraordinary session to nominate Florian ([CR] Session décembre 2023 - Procédure accélérée - Vote du 25/12/2023 - CR procédure accélérée - Parti Pirate - Discourse). I’m personally sorry for that.

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