International Affairs

Look here, everybody who has been into this subject! The Germans have done a text here and there are comments :slight_smile: Solidarity and Fairness Overhauling European Refugee and Asylum Policy - #2 by MarketaG . So everybody, interested in immigration and asylum politics, we do it this week, just communicate the “whenwhen” please! Best Mia!

It is finalisation time. Come on. let’s create a quick round, please :slight_smile:

Hi, I don’t understand. We already have a position on Migration and Asylum, what kind of German version and meeting are you talking about? I as a coordinator of this chapter have not been informed of this. I consider this chapter done. :open_mouth:

@Mia This is the last version, including Zbyněk’s and Jakub’s agreement on moresensitive migration language: International Affairs - #2 by MarketaG

Can you explain why is there need to re-open it?

Sorry Marketa. Of course you should have been involved. I just learned, that this migration and Asylum Chapter should go more into internal politics, and yes, it also has a huge international, global aspect, sure. But we have not scheduled anything and you will be informed, naturally. Best, best, with all the respect and no offense intended, Mia

And can you plese tell me who decided this big change on the last possible moment, without a common agreement? This is quite unacceptable for PPCZ, I have to say. Migration is very sensitive topic and needs a lot of work - which we already did and this is the compromise. I am against changing anything at this point, or we’ll lose this fragile compromise.

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Hi, I don’t understand why this is being reopened again?

There has been a tremendous amount of work done and the latest text is the best possible compromise, including positions from several member parties, e.g. bits from Daniel’s PP-DE proposal (which Mia mentioned above) and from PP-SE as well (from the same linked thread).

I would suggest that we put the text compiled by Zbyněk and Marketa up for Board approval so that we can move on with the process.

Of course, there will be time to discuss later, and most importantly, come to a final agreement during the Council meeting.

Again thank you all for all your hard work.

I will inform all, who were hoping for a last-last jitsi meeting, that we are ready here. Actually there has been enough time, to bring opinions into the process.
Sorry everybody … it is obviously too late :frowning:
You can still write to me …
Best best Mia

Alright, let me rephrase my slight discontent in a more dilpomatic way.

I am very pleased with the written text that is produced. In Strasburg we discussed 2 things I have a problem finding back in the tekst.

  1. The option of the EU desiding to which country refugees go in Europe when they arrive in a EU country.
  2. The discriminating fact of only allowing high functioning and skilled workers from outside the EU (Expats) to live and work in EU countries. The so called ‘talent looting’ of developing countries.

I dont see these things back in the text. I would have really liked to discuss this in a jitsi to see if this can be explained based on the existing text without having to change it. I think it can but I am not sure and would like some assistence from the people that did a lot of the writing work. I would also be open te hear why these points would not be a good idea or why it would not be possible to make this happen.

These 2 ideas could solve some problems:

  • Refugees get located according to the member states capacity.
  • Refugees get the help that fits their needs.
  • Takes away tention between member states about who will help undocumented people.
  • No more pushing refugees over boarderlines (like the dutch do on the german boarder)
  • Overview of the capacity of specific help a member state can give the refugees.
  • Takes away the selling points of human trafficers to certain countries. Because you dont get to choose to which safe country you go for shelter and help.
  • This strengthens the intermediary role of the EU and I think it would help voters with a different political view to vote for us.
  • Fair, non discriminating workers from outside the EU imigration policy so nations keep part of their talented work force to build up their home country.

I would love to hear when we can plan a jitsi to talk about this.

Kind regards, Mark :footprints:

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