Building a Stronger Europe: A Fair and Transparent Immigration System

We celebrate the diversity and inclusivity that immigration brings to Europe. We recognize that immigrants have always been an essential part of our society and have contributed immensely to our shared cultural heritage.

We firmly believe that a fair and transparent immigration system is crucial in ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute to our society. We advocate for a comprehensive and flexible immigration system that recognizes the unique skills and talents of each individual, enabling them to work, study, and flourish in our community.

We also acknowledge that immigration may pose challenges and difficulties, and we are committed to addressing them in a responsible and effective manner. By fostering a culture of inclusion and collaboration, we can build a stronger and more dynamic Europe that is better prepared to meet the demands of the future.

We are proud to stand for a Europe that is open, welcoming, and diverse. By embracing the best and brightest minds from around the world, we can create a more vibrant and prosperous society that benefits all.


I have maybe too much to say:). My points touch on both refugee and immigration policies, but I am posting only here. Maybe we could work on this in a shared document?
I would suggest connecting both the asylum and immigration through the lenses of the countries of origin and bordering practices. Also, the contemporary trend in the EU is to create an impression that migration is mainly about the borders protection and the fight against “illegal” migration. Immigration is only to serve the economic needs of our economies - therefore, we need to "attract the right talent“. It is not incorrect as rather incomplete, and we should shed some light on that.
Here are some of my points to discuss, but the leitmotif is to tackle discrimination and make the unseen visible by looking at how migration is organized in the countries of origin and how our economies are dependent on migrant workers (a sort of political taboo in many countries). Much of what I am sharing here is based on research in Asia, mainly South Asia, Indonesia, China, but it applies to African countries too. My points are below. I am expanding each point further to support what I am suggesting.

  • Fair and ethical recruitment in the countries of origin, including rules for recruitment in the online environment - stronger European diplomacy?
  • Misuse of AI in the externalized border management
  • Stricter supervision over private border management companies

Flawed recruitment of migrants in the countries of origin is the most important topic we should address if we want to ensure fair and ethical immigration system and protect migrant from abuses. Recruitment is happening often in the unaccountable environment of corrupted states. Lack of fair and ethical recruitment in the countries of origin poses the major financial costs and danger to aspiring migrants and their communities. We tend to believe that “formal/regular/organized” migration is risk-free, but any attempt to delineate it from informal and often corrupted economies is a mistake.

This problem also significantly correlates with forced labour and Trafficking of Human Beings, a new term for old-fashioned slavery. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, Chapter I, states: dignity (human dignity, the right to life, the right to the integrity of the person, prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, prohibition of slavery and forced labour). A significant body of not only academic research shows how flawed recruitment process poses migrants’ and their communities’ financial dependence on facilitators/brokers influence the outcome of migration. Such situation can ultimately end up in slavery, e.g. 2019 study revealed the case of trafficked Nepalis on a poultry farm in Poland - they came as temporary labour workers. Europol, Frontex, and ILO report that forced labour is the second most prevalent form of THB in the EU.

The role of social media. Frontex’s Strategic Risk Analysis (2023) acknowledges that the online environment helps to recruit irregular migrants. Yet, it does not reflect a fact that social media are platforms allowing to advertise jobs and recruit migrants, including international students, without any licence. This is usually happening in the community groups or “visa help centre” groups on Facebook or YouTube used as a funnel leading to private Whatsapp conversations. The migrants often do not know whom they deal with.

Based on my experience in Poland, students can become victims as well. They pay a lot of money while being told they can work while studying. Ultimately, they arrive to some small town without work for them. When desperate, they are offered a job by their brokers elsewhere and must quit their studies. But it is difficult (bureaucracy) to get a work visa in some countries, so they might rather overstay their visa, temporally working illegally, which gives enormous power to employers/brokers over them. An easy route to forced labour. Universities must be careful about who are their brokers as there exist deals with private companies and universities. Thousands of euros are large sums to pay for Asian and African families that must take loans or sell their land. This example is meant to show that this does not apply only to the so-called low-skilled migrants but also to highly skilled migrants (typically students). EU is a part of that.

By looking at migration from the point of view of the countries of origin, it is not difficult to see that there are interrelations between what we call clandestine and labour/student migration from third countries. The important point is that most of the process before the migrants come to Europe defines their status here, but the majority of these processes are invisible and originate in the countries of departure. Our part in that is a lack of acknowledgement of these facts.

A quite big issue became the misuse of AI/automation in migration infrastructure, including border surveillance, and the inborn cognitive biases of the respective technologies perpetuating and reproducing discrimination at the borders in processing temporary visas and asylum applications. Many EU countries outsourced their border management to private companies, and it is crucial that these companies follow the strictest rules so that migrants will not be discriminated. Here the problem relates to the simple fact that private corporations are profit-driven, and the more applications they process, the more their existence is justifiable. Ruben Andersson, an Oxford-based scholar, wrote a famous book “Illegality, inc.”, where he explains this mechanism - the EU border business is to produce illegal migrants through surveillance. The more "illegal“ migrants are traced, the bigger problem we face, the more money can flow to this sector.

For instance, one of the most prominent border managing private companies became the VFS global for legal migration management. My preliminary observation is that the case of VFS Global in New Delhi fits into this framework as its goal is probably not to produce successful migrants but to conduct as many operations as possible and generate money through fees for each operation.

  • The ethical dimension of admitting temporal migrant workers - from the temporal to permanent residency (right to stay?)
  • Rationalizing debates on labour and student migration (de-politicization of migration)

Let’s be honest. A significant portion of jobs we need to fill is not about talent but about hands (agriculture, construction sector, care). The predominant method of admitting migrant workers and regulating immigration has for some time been through varying temporary labour immigration programs, that is issuing temporary visas (e.g. two years or more). Only a tiny portion of them will ever make it to a permanent residency or citizenship and get access to welfare systems. I am aware of the tremendous differences in all EU member states. But I am still convinced we should initiate discussion about how we use people, not a mere “labour force“, from developing countries to sustain and grow our economies. Immigration is about expecting people to come and live here, they can permanently reside in the country and enjoy rights, and they are expected to be considerate about their responsibilities and our values. Temporary are those who come on a limited basis. They are not supposed to stay and are just supposed to fill in the gaps of the labour market and leave any time states decide.

I am missing the articulation of immigration in clear terms and how it relates to the economy. We can find many intersections with other sectors of public policy too. In short, EU economies are based on immigrant labour of all kinds and would probably fail without it. The demographic trend is another factor here. Some observations from Czechia and Poland - since 2015, the migration has been articulated primarily as a security threat and problem. Migrants from Africa and Asia are seen as “culturally incompatible”. Since the same period, we have been witnessing a high increase in immigration from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Mongolia. This migration correlates with the increase of available jobs and growth of GDP in both countries. This debate will be even more salient in the future as labour shortages pose a significant problem to all European countries. There is a wide consensus that labour immigration is an inevitable part of that solution - not an alternative but a complementary instrument.

Hi all! I would be happy to see from you a bit more comprehensive and compact proposal; as you are obviously the experts and I am not, I don’t dare to make a proposal from your discussion. Would you be up to drafting the part of Immigration? :slight_smile:

For your information, here is already a compact proposal for the whole chapter of International Affairs: International Affairs - #2 by MarketaG, where I pretty much used the original text from CEEP 2019. I share it with you mostly so that you see the length of the rest of the text and can accommodate to it, ideally.

Thank you!

Hi Marketa, thanks for the feedback and the link to the proposal! I will be happy to help with that part. Do we have any deadlines?:slight_smile:

Well, theoretically, ASAP. :smiley: I was told that there should be coordination calls till 12th April, so during that period it would be nice.

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Dear all, here is the promised draft. I did my best to incorporate as much of Daniel’s kick out into Marketa’s proposal as possible. I added a few of my own points too.


Pirates recognize that immigration has always been an essential part of the European community and has contributed immensely to our shared cultural heritage and development of Europe. Migration is primarily a social affair and must respect the human dignity of all migrants and asylum seekers.

We are convinced that migration must be well managed to be beneficial to all participating parties. We demand a comprehensive immigration system that recognizes the skills and talents of each individual. It is crucial to ensure fair and transparent recruitment of migrant workers and international students so that everyone is equally allowed to develop their full potential. In this regard, cooperation with the sending states is of utmost importance.

We acknowledge that immigration may pose challenges. We are committed to addressing them responsibly and effectively. However, in light of Europe’s striking shortages of the labour force, immigration is inevitable to ensure the functioning of our communities and economies. It must be dealt with holistically and with a commitment to foster a culture of inclusion and collaboration. In this way, we can build a prosperous and dynamic Europe that is better prepared to meet future challenges and demands.

Pirates demand a common European immigration policy that:
• enables ways of legal migration to the European labour market while ensuring ethical and transparent recruitment of migrant workers and international students,
• ensures fair representation of interests of non-EU labour migrants under the temporary labour migration programmes,
• protects rights of migrant workers and international students and enhances their participation in the daily life of receiving societies,
• values language skills and other given skills of the applicants positively in the process,
• recognizes given certificates and professional qualifications in a simplified way,
• enables member states to adjust their requirements according to their situation and needs, but does not discriminate visa applicants based on their religion, ethnicity, race and sexuality

I feel that this paragraph might fit better into the asylum section, so I didn’t use it in my draft.

“Pirates want to pay special attention to the stabilization of conflict outbreaks and fragile states, as their instability is a source of problems for the entire international community. Conflict resolution has to be based on respect for International Law.”

Dear all,

I have completed our section on migration. Please see the proposal with comments, including some question marks, in the shared document here: Asylum.docx

Based on our discussion during the meeting, I drafted more encompassing introduction followed by sections on immigration and asylum. I emphasized international cooperation regarding immigration and forced migration as a way forward.

The main concern of Swedish PP was that the proposal of German PP on asylum was politically charged and could create unwanted polarization. I softened the language, avoided the strong moral appeal but tried to keep its human ethos. I hope I didn’t miss anything important for PPGE.
I picked up some suggestions from PPSE’s response and added them as bullet points – but they are followed by question marks.

The Swedish PP also argued that there should be limits, whereas German PP is for expanding the eligibility for granting asylum. In my and many others’ view, the argument of "too many“ serves as a tool for legitimization for exclusion of those who do not belong to our civilizational circle – this showed us war in Syria and confirmed the war in Ukraine.

Even though naive, my suggestion here would be demanding a reform of asylum system based on public debate across the whole Europe, ideally followed by a referendum as a part of our effort to strengthen elements of direct democracy. I left this paragraph open with a question mark. The text will sound okay even without it. My opinion on this is that we need a thorough reform of approaching migration and asylum system that will reflect not only political interests but also values of contemporary Europeans.

I also included a paragraph on human smuggling and trafficking in the introduction. It touches upon the issue of Frontex, rescue on sea, criminalization of humanitarian aid as undermining the principle of Legal certainty, and the Rule of Law in the EU. I want to ask you for your opinion on this as it hasn’t been discussed. However, it’s based on solid academic grounds. Sources and more comments are in the document.


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