Vote : Adoption of the draft
While working on the 5year work-plan in view of the 2029 European elections, the board needs a short term plan in the wake of the 2024 European elections to stabilize the organization and lay the groundwork for its development. The current board term will end with the February 2025 Council Meeting, with a November 2024 Council Meeting to authorize any of the groundwork if necessary.
The two main lines of development include the PPEU’s Community and its Network. In this term, the objective will be to establish a structure allowing for pirate involvement, and seeing through essential work for the organization to develop as a base on which to build the initiative and the European Pirate Community at large.
As part of the kick starting process, an initial structure will be setup, with several departments, coordinated by the board, managed by team leaders, and working towards the short term and long term goals of the organization.
Here is a base layout of the Structure and actions to be carried out in the short term.
Base Structure
The working structure of the European Pirate Party is divided in several units, each of them coordinated by a member of the Board, tasked with overseeing the ongoing work to report on it.
Additionally, in each of them, there is at least a Unit Leader, managing the efforts and realization of tasks, divided between each Teams composing the Unit and their members, or members of the unit. If the Unit gets big, it would be possible to have Team Leaders.
Being a Leader or member of the Board and affected to a specific component doesn’t prevent from being involved in the work in other areas as a simple pirate.
- Administration / Secretariat (Chair and Vice-Chair Persons)
- Treasury and Fundraising (Treasurer)
- IT (External)
- Board and Council Meetings (Vice-Chair)
- Regulatory Affairs (Internal and External) (Vice-Chair)
- Internal Community (Board Member)
- Policy (Board Member)
- Communication (Board Member)
- Events and Campaigns (Board Member)
- Network (Board Member)
Tasks to be carried out
1. Administration / Secretariat
1.1 Treasury and Fundraising
Task : Bank Account
Task : Fundraising Plan
1.2 IT
Task : IT Plan
1.3 Regulatory and Internal Affairs
Task : Regulatory declarations
Task : Board and Council Meetings handling
Task : Statutes Regulatory Update
Task : Rules of Procedures Update
2. Internal Community
Task : On-boarding and Training
Task : Community Management and Moderation
3. Policy
Task : Working Groups
4. Communication
Task : Graphical Rework
Task : Website rework
Task : Social Media Strategy
5. Events and Campaigns
Task : Search for Event opportunities
6. Network
Task : Pirate Outreach
Task : Enlargement
- Yes
- No
Note : The Board will be able to update and refine the Plan and Structure when it wishes to do so.